Apprentice Star Karren Brady

Apprentice Star Karren Brady

They were always going to be big shoes to fill, the much-loved lawyer Margaret Mountford had made her mark on The Apprentice in her five years at Alan Sugar's side with her dour one-liners and steady approach, but businesswoman Karren Brady seems to have taken to her mentoring role on the programme like a pro.

Of course you wouldn't expect any less from the woman who became the youngest ever Managing Director of a UK PLC at 27. And, as a woman in a man's world Karren continues to excel in her current role as Vice Chairman of West Ham. Her commitment to work is famous, she once didn't take a holiday for 13 years and made the tough decision to go back to work 3 days after the birth of her first child.

Since then she's mellowed a little and learnt how to juggle work and homelife successfully. Watch our video chat with her and find out how she loves the title 'working mum', reveals her dual personalities for home and work and gives her take on Lord Sugar and those little 'business people in the making' on Junior Apprentice.