Ask Joanne: I'm Having Trouble Getting Pregnant

Ask Joanne: I'm Having Trouble Getting Pregnant

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Peggy writes:

I have polycystic ovarian syndrome and have recently married. We want children and have come to the decision that now is the right time. I miscarried at an early age, and have not used protection in a while yet still not conceived. How do i go about getting pregnant?

Here's our life coach's reply:

Dear Peggy

As I'm sure you are well aware, PCOS can affect your fertility and make it harder to get pregnant. But it doesn't mean that you can't have children. Several celebrity mums including Victoria Beckham and Jules Oliver have spoken of their experiences of polycystic ovary syndrome. Whilst it may have had an influence on their ability to get pregnant, it didn't stop them having three children apiece. So take heart, there's every likelihood that you'll get there, though you may need a little help along the way.

There are various treatment options, which you need to discuss with your doctor. Being overweight makes a difference with this condition, so if you need to lose some weight then make this a priority. You can find out more about this and other treatment options on the NHS website here. There is also a self-help group for women with PCOS called Verity, which you can find out more about here.

You say you have been trying for a baby for "a while", I wonder how long this is exactly? Some people do get pregnant almost straight away, whilst for many others it can take much longer, even without the added complication of polycystic ovaries.

Good luck, and do make that appointment with your GP today. And of course have lots and lots of sex!

All the best,


Do you have PCOS? Add a comment and tell us about your experiences