ASMR Videos Can Give You A 'Head-Orgasm' Whatever That Is

This YouTube Video Can Give You An Orgasm

A woman's perfectly manicured fingernails gently tap a box. Her sultry, whispered voice describes the surface. Then she picks op a glass vase and caresses it.

No, this isn't a porno version of 'Cash In The Attic', but an 'autonomous sensory meridian response' (AMSR) video.

This rather wordy phrase is a non-clinical term to describe the sensation that advocates of AMSR claim can be induced by such videos.

Also known as "goose looping," or "attention-induced head orgasm", proponents swear they can cure anxiety and insomnia.

Nicholas Tufnell, a Wired UK reporter, told the Huffington Post: "Never would I have thought that listening to a young woman offering me a hand relaxation whisper session, or a Japanese man making pretend food, or someone building the Burj Khalifa out of Lego, would be the key to falling asleep every night after years and years of struggle."

Tufnell is not alone - AMSR communities on YouTube and Reddit have huge followings.

Despite this there is little scientific evidence behind them, mostly due to a lack of investigation as of yet.

The content of the videos is incredibly broad - from tapping on tables to a five-part zombie apocalypse tale.

Despite the sexual edge to some of the videos, those that make them are keen to point out it is not pron.

Brittany Connolly, a maker of ASMR videos, said: "I think that pornography caters to a more carnal desire, whereas ASMR aims to, for the most part, just be sensual.

"ASMR (especially the role play kind of ASMR) is fruitful with that deeper connection that some people seek, the caring and kindness that pornography often lacks.

"People are less apt to be open minded to something that they think is some kind of perversion."

Despite the lack of scientific evidence to back up the claims, if they make you feel relaxed, less anxious and help you sleep then who is anyone to argue with that?