Average Dad's Traits Revealed

Average Dad's Traits Revealed

Do you know this man?

He first became a dad at 28, he watches four hours of sport a week, his favourite programmes are news and sport related, he is in bed by 10.51pm and drinks three pints a week.

You should recognise him, because apparently these are the characteristics of 'Britain's Average Dad'!

Researchers questioned 1,200 men to get a picture of the traits of the nation's fathers, with the findings suggesting most dads' time is spent watching telly and driving their kids around!

The study also revealed that 'dad' is most likely to drive a Ford or Vauxhall, start work at 7.58am, arrive back home by 5.53pm (lucky him!), and spend five days off work with his kids in the summer holidays.

The Daily Mail reports that Average Dad also has two rows a week with his children and covers 46 miles chauffeuring them around.

And surely one finding we can all nod our heads in agreement with – his favourite ways to embarrass his kids – yep, the good old 'Dad' jokes, 'when I was your age' stories, kiss/cuddling in public, 'dad dancing and grilling potential boyfriends or girlfriends.

We definitely know him!