Baby Of UK's First Swine Flu Victim Dies

Baby Of UK's First Swine Flu Victim Dies

Last night the premature son of Jacqui Fleming died. Jacqui, 38, died on Sunday, the first British person to succumb to swine flu. Her son, Jack, was born two weeks prematurely after labour was induced in an attempt to save his life.

An NHS Greater Glasgow spokesman said the baby did not die from the flu.

A statement issued on behalf of Jacqui's partner William McCann, said: "My beautiful son was born on June 1 2009, 11 weeks early. He suffered from a number of complications and despite his brave fight, he passed away. Coming so soon after the death of his mum, this is an extremely distressing and difficult time for our family."

Jacqui had two other children – an 18-year-old and and one of primary school age - and lived with McCann in Carnwadric, Glasgow. She was on of 10 people in Scotland in hospital with swine flu, and her death is the first to be reported outside of the Americas, where 145 people are reported to have died from the disease.

According to the Health Protection Agency, 59 patients in England have been confirmed with swine flu, with 71 clinically diagnosed cases in Scotland. Pregnant women are more vulnerable to this particular virus, according to Sir Liam Donaldson, the chief medical officer for England and Wales.

However, he also said the virus was causing very few illnesses compared with normal seasonal flu viruses: "If we look at the pattern of this illness worldwide, generally for most people it hasn't been a severe illness," he said.

"In a bad seasonal flu winter we would get between 400,000 to 500,000 people falling ill with flu."

Source [AOL news]