These Baby Bath Time Hacks Are Totally Genius

Because a rubber duck can only do so much

For many parents, bath time is, quite simply, the best part of the day: you can chat to your baby, watch them splash around in bubbles and relax... After all, bath time is usually a sign that it’s the end of the day and your glass of wine is just around the corner.

But bath time isn’t always so straightforward, and in the early days can even be a source of anxiety for parents. Especially if you’ve got a wriggling infant and feel like you need 12 hands when you only have two (how does anyone manage to hold the baby, get them clean, avoid getting soap in their eyes and grab a towel to dry them without acquiring extra appendages?)

Don’t worry - like everything else with parenting, once you find your groove, bath time will quickly become something you look forward to each day. Especially when you have a few clever hacks up your sleeve.

We’ve created a series of videos featuring the top tips every parent needs to know, including the tricks to make bath time a total breeze each day.

An essential hack for parents of potty-training toddlers and younger school kids? Take an empty soap or shampoo dispenser and some scissors, cut a hole in the bottom of the bottle, stick it onto your faucet and - voilà - you’ve extended your faucet to make it easier for little ones to wash their hands in the loo. 

Amazing, right?

Don’t miss the other useful hacks for bath time in our video. Shampoo in the eyes is sure to be a thing of the past...