Blind Cord Accident Killed 18-Month-Old Baby Boy

Blind Cord Accident Killed 18-Month-Old Baby Boy


A devastated dad broke down at the inquest into his toddler son's death, saying he thought his little boy's bedroom was the 'safest place in the world'.

Rithik Chakrabarti, who was 18 months old, died after becoming tangled in the cord of a Roman blind in his bedroom.

His distraught dad, Amitabha Chakrabarti, found the toddler with his head caught up in the cord in his bed on 5 May at their home in Poole, Dorset.

Mr Chakrabarti told the court he had found his little boy "lifeless, cold and blue".

Along with his wife, he tried to resuscitate Rithik, and the paramedics were called. The Roman blind had tangled so tightly around Rithik's neck it had to be cut off with scissors.

The tot was pronounced dead about 20 minutes after his arrival at hospital, and a post-mortem examination found he died from asphyxia due to ligature compression of the neck.

The coroner at Bournemouth recorded a verdict of accidental death.

Please get rid of blinds if they are anywhere near your baby or child's cot or bed.

These are similar tragic deaths caused by blind cords we have reported:

Baby died after hanging himself on blind cord