Brayden, Aiden And Jayden - The Future Of Baby Names?

Brayden, Aiden And Jayden - The Future Of Baby Names?
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Getty Images/Cultura RF

Over a third of newborn baby boys in the United States are given a name ending in the letter 'n', according to a data enthusiast, resulting in swarms of little Braydens, Jaydens and Kaydens.

David Taylor, of data mining blog The Prooffreader, has demonstrated the surge in popularity of this type of name using a moving infographic which displays the rise and fall of certain letters in popular boys' names in the US. A massive 36 percent of newborn boys are now given a name ending in 'n' - a higher percentage than any other letter has seen since records began.

The spike can be explained by a growing trend of names like Jayden, Aiden and Brayden - which, remarkably, all make the top 40 - as well as more traditional choices such as Ethan and Benjamin.

It has already been shown that girls generally enjoy a more diverse range of names than boys, whose parents tend to stick to a smaller variety of 'classic' names. But the increasing emphasis on 'n' endings suggests that the selection of popular male names might be contracting even further.

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What we want to know is: is this naming revolution heading for this side of the pond? Well, those fearing a linguistic invasion from our American cousins needn't worry just yet.

The most recent available data from the Office of National Statistics shows that none of the 10 most popular boys' names in the UK ended with the letter 'n', compared to four out of 10 in the US.

Furthermore, the UK top 10 is dominated by hyper-traditional names like Alfie, Harry and Jacob, which have been enjoying a resurgence of popularity in recent years.

That said, the UK top 50 does include a host of 'n' names previously considered 'American', including Mason, Jayden and Logan. Traditionalists might want to keep an eye on this one...

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