Britain's Biggest Family: Sue And Noel Radford Expecting 17th Baby

Britain's Biggest Family: Sue And Noel Radford Expecting 17th Baby
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Ross Parry

Sue Radford, mum of Britain's biggest family, is expecting her 17th baby - at the same time as her daughter Sophie is expecting hers.

She revealed the happy news months after she suffered the heartbreak of losing a child when she was three months pregnant.

Sue is due to give birth in November, just weeks after her second oldest child Sophie, 20, delivers Sue and husband Noel's second grandchild.

Sue, 39, and Noel, 43, had their first child, Chris, 24 years ago – when Sue was just 14 years old.

The couple, from Morecambe, Lancashire, then had Sophie, 20, Chloe, 18, Jack, 17, Daniel, 15, and 13-year-old Luke.

Then came Millie, 12, Katie, 11, James, 10, Ellie, nine, Aimee, eight, Josh, six, Max, five, Tillie, four, Oscar, two and 18-month-old Casper.

Then last September, the mum had told her blog followers that she was expecting again - just 11 months after giving birth to Casper.

Tragically, when the news made nationwide headlines, the devastated mum revealed that she had lost the baby after her 12-week scan.

She wrote then: "It's with such sadness that we have to say our beautiful baby's heartbeat stopped 2 days ago we are utterly devastated beyond words X"

Sue says she was 'ecstatic' to discover she was pregnant and says sharing the experience with her daughter Sophie stops her worrying after her miscarriage.

Sue said: "Baby number 17 is due in November and we couldn't be happier. "It's been fantastic being pregnant the same time as Sophie.

"After everything we went through when we had a miscarriage, Sophie really helps to keep me calm.

"I worried constantly during my last pregnancy but instead of doing the same this time, I just keep saying that what will be, will be.

"I really feel like this one is meant to be. Because we are going through the same thing, we're able to talk about everything and reassure each other.

"It's really stopped me getting stressed and it's great not to have to go through it all on your own.

"We are craving all of the same things too, particularly junk food like cream cakes, chocolate and ice lollies. We just laugh and say at least we'll get fat together.

"I've definitely started to balloon and I've had to say goodbye to my skinny jeans."

The pair went for a scan together two weeks ago and they said they were both 'thrilled' to hear both babies are doing well.

Sue said: "It was so lovely. We both got to see our baby in HD, which was totally amazing.

"Not many mums get to share that with their daughter so I knew it was really special. I feel like we have already made some amazing memories together.

"Sophie knows she's having a little girl and, although I don't know for sure, I feel like I'm having a boy.

"No matter how many scans you have it really is amazing to see a little life growing inside you. When it was Sophie's turn, she found out she's having a girl and she's a little wriggler.

"All of the kids are so excited. All the boys want a boy and all the girls want another girl."

She added: "In the past we have always found out if we are having a boy or a girl - but now we want to keep it as a surprise."

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Ross Parry

Sue also finds time to write her blog of the ups and downs of family life - The Radford Family, which this year is one of just five blogs shortlisted for the Blog of the Year award in the Mum and Dad blog awards sponsored by Parentdish. The ceremony is in September and we very much hope Sue will be able to come.

For the first time, Sue and Noel have said this baby might be their last.

Sue said: "It could be the final one, but I wouldn't like to say for sure. I have grandchildren to look after now and I don't think that my life will ever be a quiet one.

"I love the house being full of laughter and games. The kids argue every now and again but generally they are all really well behaved and don't get in trouble.

"I make sure that they stick to a strict routine. Breakfast is on the table at 6.45am every school day. Bedtime starts at 7pm and ends - normally - at 10pm.

"The kids are really happy about the baby. The girls want it to be another girl and the boys want another boy. I suppose it's something they are all used to now and we will have to wait and see."