Carla Bruni Baby: Mrs Sarkozy Fuels More Pregnancy Rumours In TV Interview

Carla Bruni Baby: Mrs Sarkozy Fuels More Pregnancy Rumours In TV Interview


The is she or isn't she Carla Bruni pregnancy story took another twist yesterday, when she again refused to deny she was expecting.

Ms Bruni was being interviewed on TV about her charity work, when the presenter Jean-Pierre Pernaut 'congratulated' her on her baby news.

Carla merely smiled in response and relied 'I congratulate you, also.' (Which frankly, is rather weird, is it not?)

The former model and mother of one is suspected of being pregnant with twins (of course...) and due to deliver in October, but neither she or her husband Nicolas Sarkozy have confirmed or denied they are expecting.

However, Ms Bruni's sudden penchant for loose shirts and her increasingly bizarre behaviour in interviews would suggest SOMETHING is afoot...

What do you think? Is she or isn't she? Or are you just thoroughly bored with all the speculation?