Cash and Rocket Tour, Day Two: Reaching the Right Cannes

Six hours after setting off from Barcelona Team 6 reached a very sunny Cannes in the south of France. However, not everyone on the Cash and Rocket tour arrived in such good time... One team made it to Cannes swiftly, only it was the Cannes in the north of the country. It was when they started to see signs for Paris that they realised they might have gone awry.

Six hours after setting off from Barcelona Team 6 reached a very sunny Cannes in the south of France.

However, not everyone on the Cash and Rocket tour arrived in such good time...

One team made it to Cannes swiftly, only it was the Cannes in the north of the country. It was when they started to see signs for Paris that they realised they might have gone awry. Naturally the blame was placed on the driver's Spanish husband for typing the wrong destination in the sat nav.

As the women gathered on the beach for lunch to regale each other with tales of their first day on the road I had to confess that I had yet to get behind the wheel. The six hours whizzed by and it seemed a shame for me to be the one that slowed us down.

As part of the tour's mission to raise awareness for three African charities - Orphan Aid, Sumbandila and Shine On Sierra Leone - the ladies' 35 red sports cars were displayed outside the Martinez Hotel, adorned with the charities' logos, to generate interest.

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I found many passers by stopped and asked for details on what Cash and Rocket is and what it is trying to achieve, and my doubt over the need for sports cars were put aside. You need such a spectacle to grab attention.

Then it was on to day two's evening event - a women-only 'bonding dinner'.

Adhering to the dress code, the 70 women all changed into white outfits. There were white jumpsuits, white cocktail dresses and even a wedding dress on show, as we climbed into small motorboats for a trip across the bay.

We disembarked on a rocky island, which was previously home to a prison and now - among the ruins - featured a secluded restaurant overlooking the sea and the Cannes coastline.

The event could easily have been simply a nice evening out for a group of wealthy women but Julie Brangstrup, the women driving all of us forward on the Cash and Rocket journey, stood up to give a speech and reinforce why we were all there.

"We're not here on a holiday retreat," she said and instructed the ladies to step their fundraising up a gear, telling them to get on the phones to their contacts during the long journeys.

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It was then that she announced the day two fundraising total of $105,000. A large applause was given to Maria Grazia's team who has raised the most so far.

I sat next to Julie's sister Bianca at dinner and learned a passion for helping children ran in the family. Bianca runs her own charity in Denmark, providing a chat line for victims of domestic abuse.

As the night drew to a close and the mosquitos began to bite, the tour raced back across the bay to the hotel.

There is another 6.30 am start ahead and this time we have been warned the roads will not be so kind. The route to Florence through the mountains is not only winding and littered with tunnels but is dominated by many huge trucks that will show little respect for sports cars.

Time for me to get behind the wheel? I'm not so sure...

If you would like to support Team 6 on our drive to raise money for Orphan Aid, Sumbandila and Shine On Sierra Leone please visit our Crowdrise page