Celebration Cruise For The Transgender Community. Why Is It Needed?

Many Transgender people spend their lives trying to fit into a gender stereo-type world and do nothing about going down the transition path. Not because they don't want to but because they have also spent their life building a safe and secure nucleus around them whether it be family, friends, work or one or all of those and the thought of breaking that up is unthinkable or in many cases undoable.

The Transgender Community do sometimes feel they don't fit in under the LGBT umbrella, why? Well I truly believe they have a very strong identity of their own. The Trans community is not about sexuality it's about gender and feeling you are born in the wrong body. The outside doesn't match what's on the inside. Many Transgender people spend their lives trying to fit into a gender stereo-type world and do nothing about going down the transition path. Not because they don't want to but because they have also spent their life building a safe and secure nucleus around them whether it be family, friends, work or one or all of those and the thought of breaking that up is unthinkable or in many cases undoable.

There are many holidays out there for the gay and lesbian community. Over the last 10 years new and successful holiday companies have emerged building holidays around gay men and what they enjoy and what they want from a holiday. For lesbians it has been a more recent emergence. With a wave of Women's festivals and events taking place across the globe including two of the longest established lesbian events, the Lesvos Women's Festival and the Dinah Shore in Palm Springs California. All are finely tuned and well-crafted events tapping into those wants, needs and requirements of the gay and lesbian community. Which are meeting and mixing with like-minded people, sharing experiences, being open and relaxed, being yourself maybe even meeting Mr or Mrs Right?

But what of the Trans Community? They have nothing. Yet this segment of our community is one that I truly believe needs a group holiday where they can have those same experiences. There are many Trans people who don't feel comfortable in going out in public as their true selves. This can be due to a number of factors. They can lack confidence, feel isolated and find it difficult to share experiences.

Having guest, Kellie Maloney on board for the entire of our cruise will be of great help for guests. Kellie, former Heavyweight Boxing Promoter and Manager of Lennox Lewis transitioned in 2014. By talking openly about her very public transition she will provide support and companionship to a community who have waited many years for celebrities such as Kellie, Chaz Bono and Caitlyn Jenner to bring a very personal but important issue to the world. It is only now that people realise the number of men, women, young adults and children around the globe who are fighting daily to be themselves in what is still a very closed and "brushed under the carpet" subject.

So why a Celebration Cruise for the Transgender Community? To redress the balance and offer the opportunity for Trans people to have a wonderfully relaxing holiday, a chance to grow in confidence and be themselves amongst like-minded people.

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