How to Create Cool Coincidences

The psychoanalyst Carl Jung was the first to talk about synchronicity. He used the term to describe those times when the unlikeliest things happen together. Not just at the same time, but exactly the right time we need them to. And it's no coincidence that Einstein and Jung both believed in synchronicity.

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Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous - Albert Einstein

We've all got our own amazing coincidence stories.

Siblings finding each other after being separated at birth. People running into friends thousands of miles away from home. Finding a book you never knew you had, about something you've just been thinking of. When you read them in a Dickens novel, they sound far-fetched. But we all know that truth really is stranger than fiction.

The psychoanalyst Carl Jung was the first to talk about synchronicity. He used the term to describe those times when the unlikeliest things happen together. Not just at the same time, but exactly the right time we need them to. And it's no coincidence that Einstein and Jung both believed in synchronicity. It was an idea they both discussed with each other. No doubt it played some part in helping Einstein develop his own theory of relativity.

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By studying the make up of atoms, in the early 1900's, Einstein and his buddy Max Planck began to challenge the way that science had been viewing reality for the past 3 centuries. Their views birthed a branch of physics called quantum physics.

Before these 2 paradigm-shifting thinkers shook things up, Newtonian Science ruled the day. Originating with the publication of Sir Isaac Newton's book, Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica in 1687, scientists thought that atoms consisted of a solid nucleus (a dense centre) with a bunch of electrons orbiting around it. In other words, they were solid structures. However, when atoms were looked at in more detail, it was discovered that they are actually made up 99.99999% space and are mostly energy buzzing around. In fact, in the modern model of atoms, the electrons no longer look like mini-planets orbiting around the nucleus, but are seen as a cloud of fuzzy energy. These bundles of energy whiz around and constantly shift back and forth between a wave-form (energy) and a particle (matter).

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Now comes the weird bit! Some quantum physcisists claim that it depends on the observer and what he/she is expecting to see. This is what is known in quantum science as the observer effect. Not all science is in agreement, but this is hotly debated amongst the big minds.

Interestingly enough, a recent study in the February 26 issue of Nature (Vol. 391, pp. 871-874), supports this view. Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science have now conducted a highly controlled experiment demonstrating how a beam of electrons was affected by the act of being observed. In this experiment is was revealed that the larger the amount of watching, the greater the observer's influenced the experiment and the beam.

This can certainly change our view on what we consider to be a coincidence or synchronicity. One might be tempted to ask the question:

"If my thoughts and expectations can effect the activity of an atom, and atoms make up the matter I see in my physical reality ... then can my thoughts and intentions affect my physical reality?"

In other words, can you create your own COOL COINCIDENCES?

In the scientific community, the jury is still out. There are scientist who believe that our thoughts do indeed affect our physical reality, and others (such as Profesors Zdenka Kuncik, Peter Schofield and Max Coltheart who had fun de-bunking the hit movie What the Bleep Do We Know) that are completely opposed to the idea.

Dr. Joe Dispenza on the other hand, author of Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One ,believes that you can.

He clearly explains how and believes that the secret formula is a clearly defined wish, fuelled with clear intention and strong emotion. As he says:

When we combine an elevated emotion with an open heart and a conscious intention with clear thought, we signal the (quantum) field to respond in amazing ways. The quantum field ... responds to who we are being. - Dr. Joe Dispenza

Whether you believe it or not, it's hard to ignore that synchronicity works in our lives all the time. All too often, we're not paying attention. We dismiss them as chance encounters or luck. Why not make your own life a scientific laboratory and try paying attention to coincidences. When someone comes into your life at just the right time, pay attention. When something you've just heard about keeps popping up in different places, pay attention.

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Personally, I find it fascinating studying the the art of manifestion and coincidences. Over the years I've found that the more tuned in you are to synchronicities in your life, the better you'll become at harnessing them.

Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but usually manages to pick himself up, walk over or around it, and carry on.

- Winston Churchill

Why not give it a try for yourself, and see what COOL COINCIDENCES that you can create.

Images supplied by FOTOLIA