Cool As A Cucumber: Video Shows Mum Staying Calm To Comfort Her Child During Earthquake...But Is It Real?

Cool As A Cucumber: Video Shows Mum Staying Calm To Comfort Her Child During Earthquake...But Is It Real?

A YouTube video apparently showing a mum 'with ovaries of steel' as one user put it, is causing a stir online.

The short clip appears to show a super-calm mum cuddling her worried toddler as an earthquake hits. The description of the clip reads:

"Mom Stays Calm During 9.0 Earthquake To Comfort Her Child. Mom of the year."

But do you reckon the footage is real? The person filming seems to be having trouble staying upright and holding the camera, yet the mum appears to be sitting pretty still.

YouTube users are hotly debating the clip, with some saying the clip is an obvious fake, (especially as the next table don't seem to be worried!), but others reckon it was a real quake, but perhaps exaggerated by the cameraman shaking.

Have a look and see what you think. If it's real, this mum deserves a medal!

Big thanks to Parentdish writer Ben Wakeling who brought this to our attention on his fabulous blog, Goodbye Pert Breasts.