Coronation Street Baby Drama: Meet The Triplets Starring As Teen Mum Faye Windass' Newborn

Coronation Street Baby Drama: Meet The Triplets Starring As Teen Mum Faye Windass' Newborn
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As all Coronation Street fans know, teen mum Faye Windass is set to go into premature labour this week and give birth to baby Miley.

Well now it's been revealed that the newborn is to be played by not one, not two but THREE babies - identical five-month-old triplets, Erin, Eilah and Elsie.

The trio will take it in turns to play the 13-year-old's only child after being selected by agents who put up posters in maternity wards around Greater Manchester asking for twins to play the newborn.

The girls' dad, Martyn Halliwell, told the Manchester Evening News: "My cousin suggested that we should get in touch. He said, 'There is a high demand for twins, let alone triplets'.

"We sent some photos over and within two hours we heard back to say they had a client who was interested. On the Monday we were at Coronation Street."

Martyn and the triplets' mum, Laura Slinger, are said to be delighted at how well filming has gone so far.

He added: "One of the triplets cries on cue so when they need a crying baby we take Elsie down for filming and when they need a calm baby we take Erin."

The babies will make their first appearance on Good Friday when a shocked Faye starts having contractions in the flat above Dev's corner shop.

Schoolgirl Faye, played by Ellie Leach, is accompanied by her only confidante Craig (Colson Smith), having kept her entire family in the dark throughout her pregnancy.

Debbie Rush, who plays Faye's mum, Anna, recently told the Radio Times that her on-screen daughter remains in denial for quite a while.

She said: "Faye doesn't choose the name for a while because she's in denial," says actress Debbie Rush. "But Anna, being the type of mother she is, desperately wants Faye to bond with the baby."

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