Could Facebook Help You Quit Smoking?

Could Facebook Help You Quit Smoking?

Are you struggling with trying to quit smoking? Then spend more time on Facebook. It could give you the practical and emotional support you need to succeed.

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Apparently there's a growing trend for people using social media to help them kick the habit. Several social networking websites offer encouragement if you want to quit, including the ever-popular Facebook

That's what 31-year-old Lisa Smith, a care assistant from Birkenhead, discovered when she tried to give up. Having smoked for eight years, Lisa wanted to quit and had tried several times, but without success.

Then Lisa signed up for a local Quit Smoking campaign that had set up a Facebook page to help and encourage its would-be quitters. Using Facebook helps, she said, because it makes her feel like she's not alone.

The Facebook page Lisa joined is just one of many. Just type 'quit smoking' into the website's search option, and you'll find hundreds of people have set up pages to help others. Some Facebook users have even created pages to help friends and family give up smoking, including children who are trying to encourage their mum or dad to stop smoking.

One such page is called 'If I get 1,234,567 fans, my dad says he will quit smoking'. So far, the page has gathered almost 156,000 fans - which isn't bad going and shows how effective social media networking can be.

Find more advice on giving up at NHS Smokefree.

Have you quit smoking recently? How did you do it? Share your tips with us.