Couple's Heart-Warming Annual Photobooth Pictures Document Their 14 Years Together

This Couple Took A Photobooth Picture For Each Of The 14 Years They've Been Together

When Giles Paley-Phillips and his now wife Michelle popped into a photobooth in October 2000 aged 18 and 23 they'd been dating for a month.

They had no idea they were starting a life-long ritual.

In the 14 years since, the couple have taken a photobooth picture every year.

Now aged 36 and 32, Giles and Michelle have inadvertently created a beautiful illustration of their life together, documenting them getting engaged, then married, then having two children together.

Giles spoke to Rex news agency about what each of the pictures means to him.

The Paley-Phillips Family
(01 of14)
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Giles was 23 and Michelle 18. Giles told Rex news agency: “This photo was taken when we'd only been seeing each other about a month and I remember feeling really nervous; I already felt she was "the one", though I didn't dare admit it to either of us. We were sitting at Brighton station waiting for a train when I noticed the photo booth, but wasn't sure whether to suggest a picture as we were still working each other out, so I didn't know if she'd think the idea strange or sweet. I was thrilled when she agreed.

Michelle was just 18 while I was 23, we'd grown up in the same small town and known each other as kids but only recently bumped into one another again; she had grown into a beautiful woman and as soon as I saw her again I thought "Wow!"
(02 of14)
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"We were now very much in love. We really knew each other inside out, and had found deep similarities between us that had created a real bond, my mum died from leukaemia when I was six and my dad two weeks before I turned 21. Michelle's dad died when she was 14. So we understood the pain of losing a parent at a young age and that helped us understand each other.

We both felt more content and loved than ever before. The photo booth was at the back of our local Woolworths store and we agreed at this point that this would be an annual thing. Though what Michelle didn't know, was that I intended to propose in the January.'"
(03 of14)
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"By now we were married. I loved having a picture with my "wife". We had had a small ceremony with a big after party, in Lewes, we both remember clearly that at the end of the day, our jaws were aching from smiling so much, it felt very special and exciting. We felt as if we'd been together for many years and knew it was right. So finally as much as I could barely believe it, Michelle really was my wife." (credit:Rex)
(04 of14)
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"This was one lovely years where not much goes on and we settled into married life. We both loved the stability of being married and having one another around all the time, just the day to day joy of being married and living together. I played the guitar in a band around this time, doing lots of gigs, as well as working part-time in a toy shop and Michelle was doing an HND course at college in interior design.

We both felt very supportive of each other's ambitions, it felt like we could do anything. This picture was spur of the moment, we were out shopping on a beautiful sunny day when we walked past a photobooth and realised it was time for our annual shot."
(05 of14)
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"This shot came at a big moment for me; I was playing a gig in London for a big showcase event and we'd gone up together as Michelle had come to watch me. The gig went well but what I remember most is Michelle telling me how proud she was of me because I was trying to do something I loved.

She would always come to my gigs and stand in the crowd and we'd sometimes lock eyes and smile. Her support meant that my success felt like a shared thing, and I loved that Michelle always seemed so truly happy for me. She didn't mind that my focus then was the band, which was now touring the country and selling records, and I knew then that we would last and last."
(06 of14)
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"Life is filled with many ups and downs and at this point the band had just split up and it was an upsetting time, Michelle was also upset as she knew how hard I had worked at it. We didn't argue with each other but it was a difficult time as it had been such a big part of both our lives and the first time we had to deal with an external event that impacted our lives, but somehow it helped to solidify the strong bond we had." (credit:Rex)
(07 of14)
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"The most momentous photobooth moment for me, knowing that it was our last one with just the two of us. Michelle was three months pregnant and we knew life would never be the same again. Michelle had terrible morning sickness at this point and particularly on the day of the photo.

"We had both always wanted to have children and had decided six months earlier to start trying. Although we were renting a flat, with me working in a toy shop, it felt like the right time to have children and we didn't want to put it off forever. It really dawned on us that day in the photobooth, when we both remarked that next time there would be a real, live tiny human with us, one that we had created together."
(08 of14)
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"This photo was taken one our first night out alone together since the birth of Elijah. I remember literally running into the photo booth for this when I spotted it outside a supermarket.

"Our first six months as parents had been tiring and a total eye-opener; I loved being a dad, but Michelle and I had little time together since the birth. So the first night out with just the two of us was really exciting; I remember we both dressed up especially for the date. "
(09 of14)
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"18 month-old Elijah makes his debut in the booth! I love how happy we both look here, especially as we were having a hard year in many ways. I'd been made redundant from the toy shop when just before the Summer and we didn't have much money as Michelle hadn't returned to work after her maternity leave, as she wanted to be a full time mother.

"I knew I should get a job, I had a family to feed, but I also wanted to feel fulfilled. It was a tug which many fathers probably feel. For months I'd been wondering what to do with my life; I'd always loved writing, but I didn't know if it could go anywhere. But with Michelle's encouragement, I signed up for an Open University course humanities and taken a part-time job in a bookshop. It was also around this time that we found out we were soon to become a family of four. "
(10 of14)
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"Now with the arrival of Sonny our family feels complete. I had also just passed another major milestone in my life, as my first children's book was about to be published. The Fearsome Beastie, which was inspired by our children's love of monsters. So I am now a man, an author, and a father. My world had changed, but of course Michelle was always there with me, my constant. And while we look happy we were actually pretty broke and so in some ways life was tough." (credit:Rex)
(11 of14)
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"We both look tired out, which we were. Having two sons under four has its challenges, as they were both extremely lively and adventurous. Sonny, now 18 months, didn't sleep much and was waking a lot in the night. Meanwhile Michelle, like many mums, was trying to work out what to do when the children started school, I was determined to support her, this was her time now, after so many years looking after me and the children, and I was trying to encourage her to do whatever she wanted.

"The photobooth was in a post office and I remember trying to squeeze two growing children into the booth and realising there would be less and less space each year as they got bigger and that one day they would be grown men like me. "
(12 of14)
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"Elijah is now at school and Sonny is at nursery. They were in that brilliant stage of developing their own opinions too; I'll never forget that period, when every morning they would sit at the breakfast table discussing their toilet habits, dinosaurs and asking where babies come from.

"Michelle was now working at a bookshop and studying design with the Open University. We're still in a tiny two bedroom flat being careful with our money but everyone is content and we feel really lucky with our lot."
(13 of14)
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"The photo booth day has now become an official day out to Eastbourne. The whole family know that we're going there to have the photo taken. I've also finally allowed my grey hair to come through having experimented with lots of different colours in the years before.

"Things feel like they're finally on the up for us, as I now have several books published and one has won an award. I've also got a new job, working with a local charity, and I feel like I'm in the right place with work, my family and of course my wife, when we have the photobooth snap this day I can't believe how long ago that first snap in Brighton was.

"We feel like different people, yet the same somehow, I know my feelings for Michelle are just the same, and stronger than ever."
(14 of14)
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"We must all look straight at the camera, a clear sign that my sons are growing up. You can really start to see the similarities in their looks, I love that they have Michelle's eyes. Life is better and happier than ever too, Michelle has a new job in a design company, and my writing career is flourishing with five books published and one of them being made into a CG animation with Brian Blessed and Alison Steadman. We've even bought a car and are moving into a house.

"All the things Michelle and I used to wish for and dream about are here. I finally feel like we're all where we were meant to be and Michelle is still by my side. Though of course I knew when she agreed to that first photobooth snap. And I think when she agreed to pose, she was agreeing to start a future with me."