Daily Acts Of Kindness And Unexpected Ways To Help Others

This time of year, it's easy to get so caught up in the madness of the holiday season and all of the pressure involved that we forget how many other people actually need help, especially young people. So whilst we are gearing up for the festive season, parties and the madness that is present shopping, let's also be on the look out for ways we can help others and make a difference.

With International kindness day happening earlier this week, it got me thinking about the importance of committing to acts of kindness in our daily lives rather than just on special occasions.

This time of year, it's easy to get so caught up in the madness of the holiday season and all of the pressure involved that we forget how many other people actually need help, especially young people. So whilst we are gearing up for the festive season, parties and the madness that is present shopping, let's also be on the look out for ways we can help others and make a difference.

Here are some unexpected ways to help others at this time of year.

Commit to daily acts of kindness

Acts of kindness don't have to involve money, they can be kind words, listening to someone who needs to talk or offering emotional support for a friend.

Have a charity night in.

Instead of going out with your friends, opt for a night in with them and use the money that you would have spent on going out, on a charity instead. You can have a cocktail with your bestie at home, knowing that you are doing some good.

Opt for charity inspired gifts

Lots of brands are doing charitable work to raise money for important causes, look out for products, services and experiences that you can buy to give to a loved one that also supports a good cause as well.

Get a make over for Children in Need

If you happen to be around a local Boots store, pop in for a "Go bright!" Make over- the suggested donation is only two pounds and all of the money raised goes straight to projects directly helping vulnerable young people. You can pop in to any Boots store before Friday the 17th and support children in need this way.

Visit the elderly

There are an overwhelming number of elderly people who will be feeling rather alone at this time of year. A lovely way to help make a difference for them is to go along to your local elderly home and spend some time talking with them, bring some gifts and help out.

Be a better friend to yourself

As much as it's important to be a better friend to the people in your life, it's also really important to make sure that you are taking care of yourself. You can't pour from an empty cup so make sure that you are taking enough time for yourself to relax, unwind and recharge.

Which of the above ideas resonate with you ? Can you think of any other ways to be kinder and give back in your daily life?