Fabulous First Dates - 11 Dates Ideas to Do This Summer

It's time to soak up the sun with your potential lover and to see if things between you both can progress; whether your first date is sipping on cocktails, a loving walk by the beach or having the time of your life at the amusement park. Here are 11 great first date ideas to consider.

Take off your winter coats, dust off those sunglasses and get that sun lotion out as summer is finally showing its bright face. Everything seems better once the sun is out, people seem happier and life just feels that little bit better, so what better timing than to go on a romantic date! It's time to soak up the sun with your potential lover and to see if things between you both can progress; whether your first date is sipping on cocktails, a loving walk by the beach or having the time of your life at the amusement park. Here are 11 great first date ideas to consider.

1. Carnival Convival

Carnivals are loads of fun. You can both let your inner kids come through and have a great time, riding the rides, playing games, and eating yummy carnival food. This is actually a fun date no matter where you are in a relationship because you can just let your hair down and have a good time - avoiding any awkward silences as the dreaded first date nerves kick in.

2. Crazy Golfing

Crazy golf is a relaxed, fun date. If you're nervous and shy for your date, crazy golf breaks any awkwardness that could rise to the surface. Also, the friendly competition is a great way to get to know each other. You'll both have a laugh with each other and create brilliant memories.

3. Beach, Sand and Sunshine

Beaches make one of the best venues for short walks and to view the lovely scenery. You two could also lay down with one another, grab an ice cream and you're good to go. It's the perfect opportunity for a good chat to get to know each other even more and to enjoy one another's company. Also, the beach works out as quite a cheap venue to host your first date so it's great all round.

4. Keep calm and Roller-skate

Rollerskating provides all sorts of opportunities for intimate moments. You two can have the chance to hold hands whilst skating around, act silly dancing to the music, or pretend to fall so you can get your arms around her. It's the perfect place to have fun and get to know each other a little more without any awkwardness arising.

5. Feed the Animals

The zoo is a fantastic place to explore and get to know someone on a new level. The zoo is normally an all-day kind of thing so you'll be with your date for the day, giving you chance to really have a good chat with each other. It's also a great excuse to look back on some childhood memories! Also, being surrounded by animals means there is no shortage of conversation. You can't go wrong with a date to the zoo!

6. A Romantic walk

Exploring the outdoors and getting some physical activity is a great first date idea, although it doesn't suit everyone. Find out how much your date loves the outdoors and plan a route suitable for them, whether they're up for a hike, or would prefer a casual summer stroll. This kind of date is a perfect conversation opportunity, giving you quiet, private space to get to know each other and it costs nothing!

7. Dinner and Dates

Whether you're going out to a restaurant for dinner or your date cook for you, you can't go wrong with having dinner with your date as a first time thing. A dinner allows you and your date the perfect opportunity to talk and get to know each other and the dinner brings the pressure off of you to constantly talk away. Dinner is the classic first date plan.

8. Play tourist

Don't take your home city for granted. Every year, thousands of people probably arrive in your city for a holiday. Try to see your hometown from a tourist's perspective. Check out tourist guides and information on all kinds of events and sights worth seeing.

Take your date on a touristy excursion around your city and check out all the sites you've always meant to get around to see.

9. Outdoor cinema

As summer is arriving, our calendars explode with opportunities to take your favourite activities outside. For example, go to the outdoor cinema BUT the options are endless! And they're often free too, saving you the worry of spending a lot of money. Check out the local newsletters or magazines that advertise nearby events, you never know what you could come across. Also, the cinema frees a lot of space to a have a little cuddle on your first date.

10. Picnic Pleasure

Keeping it simple can also be unique. When was the last time you went on a genuine picnic? If the weather is nice and you know of a lovely park, pack a yummy lunch and head outside with your date! Picnics can be quite intimate as there are no other distractions apart from the occasional bird chirping, giving you chance to know each other that little bit more. Also, if you boys could organise a picnic, the girl will admire your thoughtfulness straight away!

11. Amusement park

Challenge your date to beat your high score or take him on at Street Fighter. Whatever games you decide to play, the great thing about an arcade is that there is always another game to go play if you get bored. Also, the rides at amusement parks are actually pretty fun, and big roller coaster drops provide the opportunity for a little hand holding and cuddling. There is something for everyone, it is the perfect place for a first date.