Dear The Academy, Can You Please Get Someone Who Likes Women To Present The Oscars 2014?

Dear The Academy, Can You Please Get Someone Who Likes Women To Present The Oscars 2014?

You know what women at the Oscars didn't need? The douche who made Ted singing about their boobs.

Seriously, if I was a woman who was awesome enough to be invited to the Academy Awards, I'd have a major problem with Seth MacFarlane right now.

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His "I Saw Your Boobs" skit sucked for many, many reasons but mostly because:

1. It degraded award-winning, intelligent actresses in a weird pervy way. It was a joke for all the boys. Yuck.

2. Imagine it, you'd probably be feeling self-conscious anyway. There's press everywhere, cameras in your face. The last thing you need is anyone making you think about that time you got naked on screen.

3. He sang about Meryl Streep's boobs. Meryl actual Streep. For God's sake.

So I don't know about you, but I'd really love it if next year the Academy got a presenter who a) had less issues with women b) didn't make a sex joke about a nine-year-old nominee and c) had more experience of being on film as a human rather than the voice of animations or a weird soft toy.

Any of the following would be awesome...