Diary Of A 5-Year-Old: Blood Suckers

Diary Of A 5-Year-Old: Blood Suckers

My grandad told me there are more insects in the world than people and I think he's definitely right.

We have trillions of insects at our house and all they do is bug you. We have things in the house to kill them, like long sticky ribbons and funny coloured lights but they don't help. There are more flies than anything else.

Mummy says I'm allowed to kill flies and some other insects too because they carry diseases and they eat plants and wood and some live in your bed and eat your skin at night! I've never seen one of those though. Dad says they only come out in the dark. Sometimes I try and stay awake so I can see them but I always fall asleep.

I think the very worst are mosquitos. Mummy calls them "Bloody Mozzies" but I'm not allowed to say the "B" word. They are really naughty. They don't bite, they SUCK YOUR BLOOD! That's disgusting. Like insect vampires.

Emily's big brother told me about vampires. I think he got into trouble about that too because I couldn't sleep very well for a few days. I hope he did because I don't like him very much. He calls me "Shorty".

When we come in at night Dad says we shouldn't turn on the lights until all the doors are shut because they like the light. Last night though, we were too late and I saw some mosquitos following us and they were special ones because they were carryingtorches!

Dad thought that was funny and said they were just fire-flies.

I'm sure they were mosquitos with torches though.

That's cool.

I think the very worst are mosquitos. Mummy calls them "Bloody Mozzies" but I'm not allowed to say the "B" word. They are really naughty. They don't bite, they SUCK YOUR BLOOD! That's disgusting. Like insect vampires.

Emily's big brother told me about vampires. I think he got into trouble about that too because I couldn't sleep very well for a few days. I hope he did because I don't like him very much. He calls me "Shorty".

When we come in at night Dad says we shouldn't turn on the lights until all the doors are shut because they like the light. Last night though, we were too late and I saw some mosquitos following us and they were special ones because they were carryingtorches!

Dad thought that was funny and said they were just fire-flies.

I'm sure they were mosquitos with torches though.

Clever that.