Diary Of A 6-Year-Old: I Want A Broken Leg Too

Diary Of A 6-Year-Old: I Want A Broken Leg Too

Simon McDonald fell off his new bike and broke his leg! That's so cool. I'm a bit jealous. I didn't see him do it but Emily did. Emily isn't his girlfriend any more. He wouldn't let her ride his bike. He won't be able to ride it either now.

Emily said he was trying a wheelie. I wish I'd been there because he got to ride in an ambulance with the blue light on and the weewah weewah too. Now he's got a plaster cast on his leg, right up to his knee and crutches. But guess what? It's pink! That's so funny. He said he wanted a blue one but they didn't have any blue left. You can see where he tried to colour it in with blue felt tip but there's still load of pink left.

He got to stay at home for a week as well. When he came back to school everyone wanted to write their name on his leg. When I tried my pen wouldn't work.

The whole class had a go with his crutches. Peter Wallace was really fast on them. Simon says he gets to keep the cast on for 6 whole weeks. I really want one but I don't want to break anything. Mummy says having that cast on isn't all that good because when you get an itch it makes you mad because you can't scratch it.

Anyway, I get to take the school hamster home next weekend.