Diary Of A 6-Year-Old

Diary Of A 6-Year-Old

I am six!

Six is much much older than five. This is the oldest I've been in my whole entire life. I had a birthday party and next week I start big school.

My party was the best. I could choose six friends. Emily couldn't come though because she fell off her bike and now she has a fraction in her leg or something and is still in hospital. She'll be okay though.

Grandma and grandad came to the party too. I know I'm old now but they are really old. I asked grandma how old she was. She said "As old as my tongue and a little bit older than my teeth!" I didn't get that so I asked grandad instead. He said 79. Wow! I wonder if he started at 1. Sebastian said grandad looked 100, but I said he can't be 100 because that's when you die I think.

The party was in the garden and dad filled the paddling pool. That was the best thing. No, the best thing was getting get lots of presents. No, the best thing was the trampoline that Katie's mummy brought. No, the best thing was being the special person for the day. No, the best thing was the cake.

Mummy made a cake and it was in the shape of a number six. It had lots of smarties and we could all try it and my friends all got a piece to take home.

Sebastian probably shouldn't eat his yet. He had a big piece and jelly and ice cream. Then he went to see how high he could bounce on the trampoline.

He was sick at my party.

Read more Diaries of a 5-Year-Old (now 6-Year-Old) here.