Dog of the Week

This week I would like to introduce you to Teddy, a mixed breed that deserves a shout out. I first met Teddy when he was approx 12 weeks old, he was in the stray kennels of one of the London boroughs I sometimes work with. He had been dumped at the police station and transferred to the kennels.

This week I would like to introduce you to Teddy, a mixed breed that deserves a shout out. I first met Teddy when he was approx 12 weeks old, he was in the stray kennels of one of the London boroughs I sometimes work with. He had been dumped at the police station and transferred to the kennels. I took him home and fostered him for a couple of weeks, puppies of this age need to be learning about the world, not sat in a dark kennel alone. Teddy came on walks with us, lived in our home, came to my puppy classes and so forth. He was quick to learn, eager to please and loved his food.

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A couple of weeks later he moved in with his new owners that I found after going through a number of interested couples. I couldn't give the owners any details of his heritage, his breeding, his upbringing but they took him on nonetheless. Which is always tough as many people underestimate the implications those things can have on a dog in the long term. It turned out that some of these experiences did create some issues on Teddy's behalf but I can hand on my heart say that his owners have met every challenge that has been presented and looked at creating a path forward.

His owners were a couple who have now sadly separated but Teddy is of course living with one of them. She has always believed in Teddy and seen that with patience and consistency a great deal can be achieved. Teddy has undergone some medical intervention which along with behavioural and training work, has helped get him on the road to a balanced future whilst understanding his personal boundaries.

Teddy is a prime example of the extent breeding and how a breeder raises a dog can shape an animal for the future. Its not always clear in the early days and this is not just the case with rescue dogs, this is true of any pedigree breeder. The person breeding your dog has first dibs on setting up your dog for success or creating impending issues. Teddy's owners took him on as an unknown and have confronted each and every setback and I can't tell you how proud I am.

He only lived with me for a couple of weeks but he was living with and learning from my English Bulldog, Cookie and they still report back how Teddy has a particular love of the breed. Which is very sweet to hear!