Tiny Bump Under Woman's Skin Turns Out To Be The Biggest Blackhead We've Ever Seen (GRAPHIC)

Women's Hidden Blackhead Is Unbelievably Huge Once Extracted (GRAPHIC)

Warning: This article contains graphic images

At first glance the woman in the video above has perfectly clear skin.

But expert dermatologist Dr Sandra Lee - aka Dr Pimple Popper - knows something gruesome must be lurking beneath its surface.

With the camera rolling, Dr Lee takes up her tools and begins to examine a small bump just above her patient's lip.

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It isn't long before she extracts what has to be the largest blackhead we have ever seen.

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As Dr Lee says: "It looks like a little baby river rock."



Video Of Man Having Giant Cyst Removed From Face Will Make You Gag (GRAPHIC)

GRAPHIC: Grim Video Shows Blackhead Erupting Like A Volcano

How To Treat And Prevent Blackheads
Don’t Wash Too Frequently (01 of13)
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Do not wash, exfoliate or moisturize your face more frequently in attempt to get rid of blackheads. This will only dry and irritate your skin, exacerbating the problem. (credit:laflor)
Do Make Friends With Salicylic Acid(02 of13)
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Wash your face twice a day using a gentle face wash for oily skin that contains salicylic acid. Salicylic acid unclogs pores and, with continued use, will help prevent another buildup. It can be drying, so don't forget to moisturize after washing. Never go to bed with a face plastered in makeup, and don’t apply makeup to unwashed skin in the morning. We recommend: Clear Days Ahead by Philosophy ($24.00) (credit:Aflo Foto Agency / Alamy)
Do Exfoliate(03 of13)
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Exfoliating is key for unclogging pores and preventing the buildup that causes blackheads. Exfoliate once or twice a week if you’re using a rougher scrub or a mechanical face brush. A quality face brush can work wonders for removing dead skin cells and oil from your pores, and can even out your skin tone. Just be careful not to use too often, as this can further irritate your skin. We recommend: Mia3 Sonic Skin Cleansing System by Clarisonic ($230.00)
Don't Use Harsh Chemicals (04 of13)
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Avoid over-the-counter acne products featuring benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide can be effective for zapping zits, however, it can also really dry out your skin. Also steer clear of hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol, as they will simply strip your skin of its essential oils and cause dryness and irritation. (credit:Shutterstock)
Do Go Natural (05 of13)
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Create your own exfoliating scrub right at home by mixing baking soda and lemon or cinnamon and honey. Lemon exfoliates and cleanses skin, and honey fights acne with its antibacterial properties. Baking soda and cinnamon work to remove excess oil, dirt and bacteria from your pores. Find out more ways to treat acne and blackheads naturally here. (credit:Shutterstock)
Don’t Pick! (06 of13)
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As tempting as it may be to squeeze and unclog that unsightly blackhead, you are not helping the problem go away. Picking can damage the skin, lead to scarring, spread bacteria and add to the dirt and oil on your face resulting in -- you guessed -- more blackheads and acne. (credit:Getty Images/fStop)
Do Seek Professional Help(07 of13)
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If you do insist on removing a blackhead, have it professionally extracted at a salon, spa or by a dermatologist. Avoid using store bought extractors that can damage your skin and cause scarring. (credit:Alamy)
Don’t Touch Your Face(08 of13)
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Greasy hair or oily hair products can add to the oil and dirt on your face, as can filthy cellphones and fingers! (credit:Shutterstock / Yuri Arcurs)
Do Pull Back Hair (09 of13)
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Pull back your hair before bed, try your best to keep your hands away from your face, and again… no picking! Oh and please, clean your phone and makeup brushes for a change, as well as your pillowcase. (credit:Bellurget Jean Louis)
Don’t Over Use Pore Strips(10 of13)
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These strips can help to unclog blackheads (or sebaceous filaments), but they don't tackle the problem at its core and prevent them from coming back. Pore strips can also damage the surface of your skin and cause irritation, so use sparingly if at all. (credit:Shutterstock / Yuri Arcurs)
Do Use A Clay Mask(11 of13)
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A clay mask works wonders for drawing out impurities from your pores. You can purchase clay-based masks at many health and beauty stores. Or you can create a mask by mixing bentonite clay (found at many health food stores) with water, apple cider vinegar (for oilier skin) or yogurt (for drier skin).We Recommend: Kakadu C Amethyst Clay Detox Mask by DERNAdoctor ($73.00). (credit:Shutterstock )
Don’t Stress(12 of13)
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Try your best not to stress out about blackheads or acne. I know, I know. This is easier said than done. But there is believed to be a connection between stress and breakouts. Stress may also make you more inclined to pick at your pores, leading to scarring. (credit:Shutterstock)
Do Talk To Your Doctor(13 of13)
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Talk to your doctor or a dermatologist if the problem persists and is causing you distress. They will be able to prescribe the appropriate appropriate treatment for you, such as a retinoid cream, chemical facial peel, hormonal treatment (such as an oral contraceptive) or medication. (credit:Shutterstock / Pressmaster)