Duchess Of Cambridge Hopes To Be Pregnant Soon, Claims 'Palace Aide'

Duchess Of Cambridge Hopes To Be Pregnant Soon, Claims 'Palace Aide'


An American website is claiming that a 'royal aide' has told them the Duchess of Cambridge - Kate Middleton - is NOT pregnant but hopes to have a baby soon!

Just weeks after 'peanut-gate' had the world on red alert for an official baby announcement, a loose-tongued source has reportedly told E Entertainment that: "There have been reports to the contrary worldwide, but the fact is that the Duchess of Cambridge is not pregnant. Does she hope to be soon? I should say so."

Whilst a SECOND gossipy 'palace insider' also dismissed all the abounding rumours that Kate was already expecting, saying: "Prince William will be on active military duty in the Falkland Islands from early in the New Year, and there is no earthly way he would be assigned 8,000 miles from home if the Duchess of Cambridge were expecting."

So that's told us!

Is this Royal child going to be the most eagerly anticipated baby in the world?