Essential New Year Resolutions Every Mum Should Make

The mums I know have so much they want to accomplish in 2017 - firm up, lose weight, see more friends, take toddler to more classes, do more creative play, spend more quality time together as a family, write a book, start a blog - up their instagram game... t

Hands up who's feeling fired up about their New Year Resolutions? Or are you jaded already?

Mums often put so much pressure on themselves - there's so much we want to achieve by being the best role models we can be for our children.

The mums I know have so much they want to accomplish in 2017 - firm up, lose weight, see more friends, take toddler to more classes, do more creative play, spend more quality time together as a family, write a book, start a blog - up their instagram game... there is so much that we want to improve upon - or prove to ourselves - no wonder we can feel exhausted before we've even begun.

If 2016 felt disastrously depressing then 2017 has to be the antidote. There are a lot of things that can get a mumma down, when you think you're bringing people into a world that has so much wrong with it, it can be hard to feel the positive.

But that's exactly what 2017 should be about - the positive. May every change you make in your life in 2017 be a positive one.

Here's my list of Essential New Year Resolutions Every Mum Should Make.

1.Make more time for you

However you make this happen, dedicate more time to yourself - regularly. Whether it's writing a diary, phoning a friend or treating yourself to a monthly manicure or coffee with a friend. Me time is sanity saving, re-energising and liberating. You won't regret it.

2. Smell the roses

Being online is a way of life now, but too much time in front of the screen can make you feel like you're in a lonely black hole. Detox a little each day, smell the roses, make yourself unavailable from the digital world for a little time each day. Stop multi-screening in front of the TV; talk to your family, go for a walk and focus on being present.

3. Make memories

So many resolutions are about goals we want to achieve, like a specific weight or follower count on social media, but the most important goal a mum could have for 2017 is making memories. I believe memory making doesn't have to be about the once in a lifetime stuff. Discover a new walk to do with your family, learn a new skill together, set each other fun challenges. And let the magic happen.

4. Ditch the guilt

If guilt shaming yourself is one of your reluctant hobbies then mumma, it's high time you ditched it. Instead celebrate all the things you're doing right. If you count up all the little moments and actions you do each day to have a loving and positive effect on your children, you'll run out of fingers and toes in no time.

5. Find your happy

We're told how to be happy these days but the truth is it's a deeply personal thing. In 2017 focus on finding your happy. It might be you're happiest make up free and off the radar, or when making progress at work or rocking it as a stay at home mum. Listen to your heart in 2017 and figure out what makes it sing. Any changes you do make have to come back to this.

Here's to a powerful, positive and beautiful 2017. Wishing you love and happiness and good fortune in the months ahead. Don't forget to stop by mumdays whenever you want to treat yourself and recharge, or if you know a mum whose in need of a special pick me up, our gift selection has just the thing!