Time to Stop Turning a Blind Eye to Your Lashes

They say you should make a wish every time you shed an eyelash, but have you ever wondered exactly why you're losing your luscious lashes? If clumps of lashes are left on your face towel, it may be worth investigating the root of the problem.

They say you should make a wish every time you shed an eyelash, but have you ever wondered exactly why you're losing your luscious lashes? If clumps of lashes are left on your face towel, it may be worth investigating the root of the problem.

Just like other hairs around the body, eyelashes experience the natural growth phase and rate of shedding. It's completely normal to lose around two lashes per day, which typically take at least three months to re-grow. Research also reveals that eyelashes may become weaker and thinner as people age - similar to that of the hair on the back of the scalp.

Fortunately for those who don't wear make-up, there's less to worry about when it comes to your lashes. Thick, clumpy eye make-up, such as waterproof mascara, can be difficult to remove and often requires vigorous rubbing. This can aggravate the area and weaken the hair follicles, which can eventually cause the lashes to fall out. A simple solution for this is investing in good mascara that comes off easily or an oil-based make-up remover to alleviate any excessive rubbing.

It's not just the type of make-up you're using that can cause problems, but also the amount of time that products are left on for. Mascara hardens the lashes and can cause lashes to break - particularly if it's left on overnight. So, next time you're too tired to remove your make-up before bed, it might be worth thinking again!

Aside from cosmetics, there are various other reasons for eyelashes falling out, ranging from types of alopecia to illnesses like thyroid disease. Eyelashes have the same anatomy as body hair, so excessive treatments, like tinting, or overzealous plucking can eventually cause the hair follicle to die and prevent re-growth. Hormonal changes and nutrition deficiency are also common causes of lash loss or breakage.

If you're concerned about your lash line appearing less full, don't be fooled into using curlers, false lashes or extensions to make them appear thicker. These all risk damaging your natural lashes and making them even thinner. Remember, it's extremely important to take good care of your lashes by using high-quality products - as you would with the hair on your scalp - and be careful not to tug at the root and threaten the follicle.

People who have lost their lashes and don't know where to turn could explore the possibility of having an eyelash transplant, which sees hairs taken from the back of the scalp and transplanted to the lash line. This is an increasingly popular treatment and is particularly effective for those who have lost their lashes due to an injury or trauma.

If you're concerned about your lack of lashes, we'd highly recommend arranging a consultation with a trichologist to assess the causes and possible treatments. There's no hard and fast rule when it comes to hair loss and everyone's situation is different, so it's definitely worth looking into your options as early as possible.