Ferry Company Refuses To Allow Pregnant Woman On Board

Ferry Company Refuses To Allow Pregnant Woman On Board

A pregnant mum was forced to make a 600-mile, 14 hour train journey home after Brittany Ferries refused her permission to board.

Katie Kissack, 32, who is 34 weeks pregnant, was due to sail from Brittany to Plymouth, returning to the UK to give birth to her second child.

As she attempted to board the Roscoff to Plymouth ferry with her three-year-old daughter, she was told she could not travel as the company's upper gestation policy on pregnant women was 32 weeks.

Instead Katie and her daughter were forced to make a 600-mile train journey back to their home in Truro via the Channel Tunnel and a train from London.

Katie admits that her she and her husband made an error when booking the tickets in not realising the ferry company had a 32-week limit on pregnant travellers.

"The booking was made a long time ago," she told her local news website. "I consider myself to be in good health and so did not go into the special requirements area where we may have seen it."

Ms Kissack said the ensuing journey was 'long, tiring and extremely stressful'.

"The risk of deep vein thrombosis due to a long seated train journey and rocketing costs are doing nothing to reduce the stress," she said.

Ms Kissack's dad, John Tisdale, a recently retired GP in St Erme even offered to take responsibility for her during the ferry trip, but the company still said it was against their policy to allow her to travel.

Brittany Ferries spokesman Stephen Tuckwell told This Is Cornwall that 'the captain's decision is final' and regardless of Ms Kissack's father being a GP, it did 'not give him the right to overrule the captain'.