Five Apps Made By School Kids With Apps For Good

Apps For Good: Five Apps Made By School Kids

A raft of new apps help counsel victims of bullying, teach you your stop and search rights and reward you for saving money, and they're not made by adults.

Each of these apps solve real life problems and are made by London school kids in the Apps For Good programme.

Apps for good teaches school students how to solve problems with apps, basic business models, start-up thinking, how to develop customers, market awareness and pitching skills.

Iris Lapinski runs the short course programme in 40 schools across the UK and says: "We want to create a new generation of problem solvers using technology to solve problems for themselves."

Lapinski's programmes reaches 1250 students and aims to address the digital divide by teaching kids an entrepreneurial attitude and equipping them with skills to launch their own tech start-ups. Apps For Good hopes to be in 200 schools by September.

Lapinski says that current tech teaching methods don't create minds that can think, and solve problems, for themselves.

"The problem with the way kids learn at the moment, is that they learn to solve problems that others define, and have the answers to. But what Apps For Good does is teach kids to look at problems, and come up with answers for themselves," she says.

Each app comes directly from the students' own life experiences. Some are universal, such as a handy Oyster balance checker. Others are distinctly targeted at youth.

The stop and search app arose as a result of school-aged children being stopped and searched frequently in South London. They identified the problems as not knowing your rights in a stop and search scenario and not knowing who to share your feelings and thoughts with.

In addition to students, the Met police became the ideal client for the app. Police had statistics of stop and search are gathered at borough level. Now the police can use the data in the app to see stop and searches on a map, read feedback from those searched and feedback to officers on the beat.

Lapinski says Apps For Good could eventually save government money. "In public policy, government often applies a solution without really understanding a problem. With a generation of thinkers who understand problems before applying solutions, we could save a lot of money."

Click through the slideshow below to see the apps, which are available through the Android marketplace.