Five Egg-cellent Reasons to Indulge This Easter!

Chocolate makes you happy! That silky smooth milky flavour that melts in your mouth releases a wave of serotonin putting a smile on your face and a spring in your step. It's great for de-stressing and feeling good, now what's not to like about that?

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It's that time of year again, the wrapping paper and selection boxes are a distant memory and we can breathe a collective sigh of relief having waved goodbye to those extra Xmas pounds. But now the air is electric with egg-citement and the supermarket are shelved with another temptation ready to tumble into our baskets and throw us back toward waistline worries.

Well worry not, here at Wellbeing escapes we've got 5 reasons to turn that frown upside down and enjoy a guilt-free Easter!

1.Dark chocolate is absolutely packed with antioxidants which have been proven to slow down the signs of aging and prevent certain types of cancer. Even more amazingly some studies show that chocolate contains even more antioxidants that super fruits such as acai and blueberries!

2.Chocolate with over 80% cocoa works wonders for your heart and circulatory system - nutritionists believe a couple of squares two or three times a week can lower your blood pressure and improve blood flow decreasing the risk of clots and strokes.

3.Increased blood flow means more oxygen reaches the brain improving cognitive function. That means the energy boost from a chocolate bar is more than just a sugar rush - it's your brain turning up to full power. We think that's a pretty good reason to always keep a bar in our desk draw.

4.Chocolate is also high in vitamins and minerals. Dark chocolate in particular has a large percentage of your RDA of iron, copper and magnesium as well as a healthy helping of potassium and zinc. And let's not forget, it tastes much better than a Berrocca.

5.And but not least - Chocolate makes you happy! That silky smooth milky flavour that melts in your mouth releases a wave of serotonin putting a smile on your face and a spring in your step. It's great for de-stressing and feeling good, now what's not to like about that?

So grab a box of chocolates, get that serotonin flowing and have yourself a cracking Easter!