UK Gardeners Urged To Prune Roses ASAP As Spring Gets Closer

'Tis the season.
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As we leave winter and a mild, warm spring kicks in, you might have noticed your garden coming back to life. 

While many have enjoyed the lack of gardening tasks over the colder months, others will rejoice in the return of backyard chores: and, as always, pruning is high on the agenda. 

The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) says that in general “late winter (February or March) is often a good time for pruning roses.” 

Though different species have different needs, most species respond to pruning during “late winter when growth is just resuming.” Rambling roses are one notable example; these are best pruned in the summer.

Why prune roses in late winter? 

In short, pruning roses (as with pruning other plants) encourages more growth. “Cutting back hard will promote the strongest growth, while light pruning will result in less vigour,” Gardeners World says

So trimming your plants just before their springtime bloom will help to ensure bountiful beauty; and because your plants are bare and blossom-free after winter, it’ll be easier to shape and plan your plants when pruning.

How should I prune my roses?

“Cuts should be no more than 5mm (
 in) above a bud and should slope downwards away from it, so that water does not collect on the bud,”
“This applies to all cuts, whether removing dead wood, deadheading or annual pruning.” 
They also recommend cutting the stem to outward-facing buds, encouraging an open-centred shape. If you can’t see a sleeping bud, simply cut your rose stems to the right height (this varies according to the species). 
It’s important to use clean, sharp blades,
; you should also cut dying or dead growth back until you see a living white pith. Remove dead or sickly stems completely. 
“Aim for well-spaced stems that allow free air flow,”
Don’t mind me, just heading to my garden...