Geezer Buxton: The Boy Who Could Eat Himself To Death

Geezer Buxton: The Boy Who Could Eat Himself To Death

The parents of a 23-month old toddler who could eat himself to death have launched an appeal to find a cure for his condition.

Geezer Buxton from Staffordshire has a syndrome that leaves him permanently hungry, and means his parents have to watch him around the clock to make sure he doesn't eat everything within his reach.

The baby is just one of a few children in the country with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), a genetic condition which causes sufferers to always feel ravenous.

Children with the condition can also have delayed physical and emotional development and learning difficulties.

Launching her campaign, Geezer's mum, Michelle Sargeant, 43 said the family's main worry is that Geezer will never be able to live an independent life.

"Even when he is old enough to go out on his own, we would have to watch him constantly because he wouldn't have any control over how much he eats," she told her local paper.

"People with the syndrome can literally eat until their stomach ruptures, although that is rare. The long-term risks is obviously obesity. Because of this, we have to control his diet and my partner Craig doesn't eat in front of him because he feels bad."

Geezer was diagnosed with PWS when he was just three weeks old, and although he is now making good progress he does not yet speak, and has only just begun crawling.

His dad Craig said that he was told Geezer had only a 50 per cent chance of surviving when he was born.

"He actually stopped breathing four times. He was also really floppy, he couldn't even hold his neck or arms up. It was a really worrying time because the doctors didn't know why this was happening. We were told he had a 50 per cent chance of surviving," he said.

"They had to take a blood sample and when the results came back, we were told he had this rare syndrome. Although it is a genetic disorder, in most cases it is not hereditary so it can happen to anyone."

Geezer's family have collected more than £500 for the Prader-Willi Syndrome Association UK. They plan to continue fund-raising and hope that it will make a difference to research into the condition, and treatment for those affected.

"With the continued research in genetics and PWS, we remain positive about the future and hope that our little boy will be able to lead a happy and healthy life," Michelle said.