Getting Your Skin Summer Ready

Finally, with warmer weather soon to arrive, is your skin ready for the extra UVA / UVB exposure? Sunny days generally mean more bare flesh - so now is the time to make sure your skin is looking its best and continues to do so with adequate protection!

Finally, with warmer weather soon to arrive, is your skin ready for the extra UVA / UVB exposure? Sunny days generally mean more bare flesh - so now is the time to make sure your skin is looking its best and continues to do so with adequate protection!

As well as protecting our skin from burning in the sun, the warmer weather can also play havoc with our complexion thanks to additional sweating, open pores and dehydration. So here are my top five tips for keeping your skin healthy and glowing all summer long...

Exfoliate. Warm, sweaty conditions can clog our pores and leave skin looking dull and lifeless. If you want to make sure your bare arms, legs and décolletage look polished make sure you scrub up this summer. For your face, add exfoliating to your weekly cleansing routine. Not only will you feel fresh and look younger, but your complexion will be free from all those old dry skin cells. Now you're ready to moisturise.

Moisturise. Ok, so you might feel as though your skin is oilier in the summer, but it is still essential to moisturise to maintain a healthy glow. Applying a daily moisturising cream will protect your skin, look for a cream that contains SPF. You might want to switch a lighter formulation in the summer.

Hydrate! When the sun shines you need to make H20 your best friend! Hydration is key to ensuring healthy youthful skin. During the summer your body will be losing moisture when you perspire, leaving your skin dehydrated. The best way to keep skin looking plump and fresh is to drink lots of water - at least eight glasses a day to ensure that your pH levels are balanced. If you're exercising in the heat, top up your fluids regularly.

Protect. Recent research by the British Association of Dermatologists' (BAD) found that 80 per cent of us don't apply sunscreen before going out in the sun and 70 per cent of people fail to reapply sunscreen every two hours as recommended. The best ant-ageing treatment for your skin is to protect it from the sun and prevent sun burn. Applying sun cream at least 15 minutes before you leave the house will provide optimal protection.

Eat Healthy. Sun cream can protect your skin from the outside but certain foods can nourish and protect your skin from the inside. Vitamin C rich foods such as strawberries and kiwi fruit provide skin smoothing effects. Also tomatoes contain carotenoid that has been proven to help protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun. You don't need to rush out today and buy all these fruits, but be aware that eating healthy will show on your skin too.

For more skin care advice follow Seena Seka on twitter: @seenaseka and Calypso