Happy International Women's Day

So here we are. On International Women' Day. And despite making every effort to burn my bra and be the epitome of modern feminism, I find myself the morning after a slightly compromising position.

So here we are. On International Women' Day. And despite making every effort to burn my bra and be the epitome of modern feminism, I find myself the morning after a slightly compromising position. The dog I am looking after (and by default, my parents are looking after) has pooed in the garden, and mum trod in it. Barefoot, I think (although I may have made that bit up, because thinking about it, why really would a 69 year old be shoeless in the garden). And I laughed with such gusto when mum told me that I spat (gluten free) pasta all over the floor. Which mum is now picking up. Oops.

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Photo: Blogger's Own

So, in a desperate attempt to make myself busy and mask my growing shame at what just happened (obviously I can't just apologise because it's my mum and that would require an obvious display of affection. And did I mention that it's my mum?), I randomly plucked a newspaper from the rack. Not totally random, of course, since my parents have a subscription to The Times (we live in Richmond), but as near as I'm going to get.

As per usual, I scurry around for the supplements. I am more of a fair-weather news person, and opinion slash feature pieces are more my bag. Especially over a half-massacred supper. My efforts reveal Times2 On Tuesday, which tells me about a "new scientific diet. Fast for 5 days a month". The gist is that we are to be struck by another fad. And for anyone who hasn't been on the recieving end of a "2" day, this is not something to be taken lightly.

I voice my heated opinion that this latest food fad is a pile of whatever, and am offered the end eighth of a Snickers protein bar that dad had blissfully saved for me (mum doesn't like it. Apparently the protein took all the fun - and moisture - out of it). Clearly they are fully versed in my hanger. I ask if mum thinks she could ever do a fasting day. Mum feigns deafness and asks dad if he could pour her another glass of wine. Dad does as he is told. Mum fishes for a compliment on the slow-cooked beef she spent the day cooking. Dad does as he is told. (Note: I realise it's odd that I demanded pasta with my beef, but I really don't like potatoes, and I am a bit of a brat..)

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Photo: Blogger's Own

My family dynamic is probably pretty similar to most, and yet it has all its unique little traits that keep life fun. Later, I will take the dog to my room to watch Homeland, and dad will work in the dining room with his headphones in whilst mum watches some property show on her iPad with the volume far too loud. Tomorrow, mum will come with me to Women's Space at The Mayfair Collective, and dad will go to work. It's just the way it is, there is no agenda behind it, and it keeps us satisfied.

I hope everyone, regardless of their beliefs or priorities, has a peaceful and happy International Women's Day.