Help! Oddest Childhood Accidents Revealed

Help! Oddest Childhood Accidents Revealed

We've covered countless stories of toddler misadventure on Parentdish – from potties stuck on heads to toddlers stuck in machines – but it seems these stories are just the tip of the toddlerhood iceberg.

The Red Cross has revealed the oddest childhood accidents young kids have. The charity surveyed 1,439 people, and asked them for the strangest things they ever got stuck up their nose and in their ears as children.

The most common items to get stuck up noses are beads, peas and toy parts. The most unusual? A piece of ham (!), an electronic cigarette and a plastic dog bone.

Body parts that regularly get trapped in various holes and appliances include fingers, thumbs and hands, while more unusual incidents involve toy Barbie cars and Pringle tubes.

Despite these common (and not so common!) accidents, a fifth of us do not know how to help our children beyond calling an ambulance or doctor, and more than 40VIRTUAL-Gallery-160268%