Hot Or Not: Michelle Williams Wears Daring Plunge-Neck Dress For Marilyn Premiere

Hot Or Not: Michelle Williams Wears Daring Plunge-Neck Dress For Marilyn Premiere

Every time Michelle Williams shows up on the red carpet with her cropped hair we have that stabbing pain where we remember that Dawson's Creek is a) not on anymore, b) probably isn't as good as we remembered, and c) wasn't real. These people were actors delivering sermons on teenage angst and Pacey Witter isn't a real person out there waiting to marry us.

Photo: Empics

This particular red carpet was for the New York Film Festival premiere of My Week With Marilyn wherein Michelle plays Marilyn Monroe who, in the UK on a working honeymoon with playwright Arthur Miller, ends up hanging out with set assistant, Colin Clark.

As ever, the actress has chosen a stunning frock (Dior, FYI) but it looks like it's swamping Michelle's petite frame.

Oh well - at least she didn't reprise this business from the Golden Globes...

Photo: Empics

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And for more stars embracing the power of pale on the red carpet, check out the gallery below: