How To Get A Job Abroad Before Moving

The prospect of relocating to another country as well as finding a new job may seem rather daunting, even scary, but there are steps that can be taken to help reduce the stress and make things a little easier.

The prospect of relocating to another country as well as finding a new job may seem rather daunting, even scary, but there are steps that can be taken to help reduce the stress and make things a little easier.

First things first

Right from the start it is vital that some basic questions are asked about the kind of job you are searching for: is it to be for a fixed period whilst you explore a new country? For example, to finance a 'gap year' or another break? Or is it to be a long-term career position? If so do you plan to remain in one place, or change location again, meaning that your career choice will need to be able to travel with you.

It is also essential that a 'chicken or the egg' scenario is avoided: choosing a country will dictate the work opportunities available, whilst pursuing a specific career may well dictate the countries offering those opportunities. Be clear on which is the most important.


It cannot be stressed enough how important research is: learning as much about target destinations, local culture, career and job opportunities, political climate, work permits, tax arrangements and other details will reduce surprises and speed up the process. Click here to see the Top ten destinations.

Research the job market, the biggest employers, transport systems, housing and other essentials.

Update your CV and any online profiles you may use and make sure they are relevant to the country in which you are seeking work.

It is worth remembering that some countries - such as China - are difficult to obtain a work visa without a university degree. Check on your target location's position. Job opportunities can also be dictated by whether or not the job seeker has a degree.

Use networking and social media

With the internet and social media in full flight, distances pose few barriers to networking. Undertake research on the kind of jobs you want, identify key players in those areas of employment (the biggest employers and companies you want to work for) and use social media to try to establish contacts in those companies. Demonstrate enthusiasm and promote your profile. This will help get your name known and possibly give you access to important information about job vacancies. You can also build dialogues with individuals and create an online presence with them that could lead to internal recommendations for work.

For graduates, university career offices may be able to provide useful contacts that can provide useful information and insight.

Job experience

Regardless of where it is located, having experience relevant to the job you seek will still prove enormously beneficial.

Having experience of a particular field of work and relevant skills will also increase your chances of obtaining a work visa, even if you have not yet relocated.

Graduates may find that entry-level internships are a way of getting started in a new job in a new location.

Filler opportunities

One way of bridging the gap between finding work in a new country and choosing a long-term career opportunity is to teach English. Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) means undertaking a relatively short training course that will result in an internationally-recognised qualification. TEFL work can pay the bills whilst you are searching for that long-term career opportunity.

Build support

Relocating and starting a new job at the same time will mean huge upheaval and change. The impact can be lessened by building a network of people such as ex-patriots of your country who have gone through the same thing. Go online and seek out groups that can offer support.