7 Ways To Wake Yourself Up In The Morning Without Guzzling Coffee

Rise and shine.

If you're not a morning person, waking up can be a real chore.

Thankfully coffee exists to help give you that much-needed boost. But what happens if you need to cut down your caffeine consumption? Or you simply haven't got any of those magical beans in the house?

The folks at ASAP Science have put together a handy list of natural (and scientifically proven) hacks which can help wake you up of a morning - and there's not an espresso in sight. 

1. Find the light

Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the brain and is critical in regulating your sleep. When it's dark your body produces more melatonin making you sleepy and when it's light the production of melatonin drops.

If you're struggling to wake up, open those curtains, get outdoors and see the light.

If it's winter or you wake up before the sun rises, try an illuminating alarm clock.

2. Take a cold shower

Or end your shower with cold water.

Studies have shown that exposing yourself to cold water can activate components of the brain responsible for regulating wakefulness.

The shock of cold water on your body can also increase your metabolic rate, reducing feelings of fatigue.

3. Hydrate yourself

Much of your body is made up of water (60% to be precise), but when you sleep you sweat, breathe and get up to go to the toilet - all of which can dehydrate you.

Research suggests mild dehydration reduces alertness, increases fatigue and negatively affects mental concentration.

So down a glass of water first thing.

4. Eat a healthy breakfast

A study discovered that people feel more alert after consuming breakfast first thing in the morning.

If the breakfast is high in sugar, alertness wears off quickly.

However if the breakfast is high in fibre and carbohydrates, alertness lasts longer throughout the morning.

5. Drink orange juice

Citrus fruits are high in flavonoids, which have been linked to slowing cognitive decline associated with ageing and decreasing the onset of diseases like Alzheimer's.

One study found that participants who consumed flavonoid-rich orange juice had increased alertness and cognitive function than those in a control group.

6. Get active

Studies have found that physically active students tended to perform better on tests than those were less active.

Exercise enhances cognition, due to the increased blood flow throughout the body, providing your brain with more oxygen and increasing mental performance.

The hippocampus, which is part of the brain critical for learning, is also highly active during exercise.

7. Listen to music

Music has the ability to send you into a state of arousal, causing pupils to dilate and blood pressure to increase.

It can also increase activations in regions of the brain associated with movement and emotion, while potentially releasing the feel-good chemical dopamine throughout your body.

Reasons Why You Are Tired All of the Time
Depression (01 of05)
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You could be depressed and not even know it. According to WebMD, Depression can take hold gradually, without a person realizing that depressive thoughts and feelings are increasingly dominating his/her perspective – and his/her life. People who are depressed usually experience problems sleeping; they usually sleep too much or rarely sleep at all. Photo Credit: KatarzynaBialasiewicz/Thinkstock Click Here to See Reasons Why You Are Tired all of the Time
Sleep Apnea (02 of05)
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Sleep Apnea is a sleep disorder that causes people to wake up throughout the night because they stop breathing. This ultimately causes the person to feel tired during the day. Sleep Apnea can also cause high blood pressure, diabetes, depression and headaches. Photo Credit: BVDC/Thinkstock
Skipping Breakfast (03 of05)
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Breakfast fuels your body and gives you energy for the day ahead. It’s good for your health and improves your memory and your mood. Skipping breakfast can make you feel tired. If you are not eating the proper nutrients you need to function, your body will slow down. According to live science, “About 18 percent of males and 13 percent of females between the ages of 35 and 54 are breakfast skippers, according to a 2011 study by the market research company NPD group.” Photo Credit: noblige/Thinkstock Click Here to See Reasons Why You Are Tired all of the Time
Glass of Wine Before Bed (04 of05)
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The day has come to an end and you pour yourself a glass of wine to unwind before bed. The truth is, alcohol before bed can be very hazardous to sleep. It can cause you to wake up periodically throughout the night and feel sluggish in the morning. Photo Credit: anyaberkut/Thinkstock
You’re Dehydrated (05 of05)
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Drink water! According to WebMD, “Water makes up the majority of your blood and other body fluids, and even mild dehydration can cause blood to thicken, forcing the heart to pump harder to carry blood to your cells and organs and resulting in fatigue.” Click Here to See Reasons Why You Are Tired all of the Time Photo Credit: Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Thinkstock

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