The growing number of young people being diagnosed every day with Young Onset Parkinson's is astonishing. I was diagnosed at age 44 and at the time I thought this was very young, but since then I've been in contact with many fellow sufferers, some of whom were diagnosed in their twenties! Suddenly 44 doesn't sound so young!

As an author, my difficult circumstances have inspired me to write with candid raw honesty, laying my cards on the table, no sugar coating; for I believe you deserve and want to read the truth.

Living with two chronic diseases is not easy, but I often find that sour moments are tempered with sweet episodes. That's how life is, a rollercoaster of emotions and events. When we are children, we can't wait to grow up, but once we are adults, suddenly life speeds up and we find ourselves in some kind of time warp that just keeps going faster.

The weeks and months fly by so fast; summer has long vanished, autumn slyly disappeared, and winter like a cloak now wraps its chilling season around our days. Life is awfully short, so I endeavour to make the most out of each day, I grab life with both hands, spend time with people I love, never missing an opportunity; these are principles by which I live. Spending time with people whose company I enjoy, makes me feel good, and like a dose of medicine, laughter is the best tonic and great for the soul (which I highly recommend). I have come across some amazing people over the last few years, many of whom are doing incredible work, campaigning for Parkinson's, a cause that lies close to my heart or other projects that have great purpose and are profoundly inspirational.

The growing number of young people being diagnosed every day with Young Onset Parkinson's is astonishing. I was diagnosed at age 44 and at the time I thought this was very young, but since then I've been in contact with many fellow sufferers, some of whom were diagnosed in their twenties! Suddenly 44 doesn't sound so young!

Attending a Parkinson's support group is of great help to both patient and caregiver. Meeting and speaking with others who are in the same boat is invaluable and gives one the feeling of being part of an extended Parkinson's global family. Of course, it goes without saying that one would rather not qualify for being a member of this special 'family', nonetheless it sustains people through the daily difficulties encountered by chronic disease. I live in an area where there unfortunately is no young Parkinson's group, and found my husband and I were without a support network. It was at this point that my husband suggested I start writing a daily blog, in the hope of contacting others, who for whatever reason also had no access to a support group. I had no idea when I started writing about Parkinson's two years ago, that reaching out to offer support to fellow sufferers, I would receive a most wonderful unexpected gift in return; support and comfort from others around the world.

I have been writing a daily personal blog since September 6th 2011, and to mark writing my blog for an entire year, the complete entries have been turned into a book entitled: "I'll Blog Till I Drop" which is available for FREE from in whatever format you need. My aim is to offer support to fellow sufferers and caregivers, and bring greater awareness to this debilitating disease.

I remember celebrating my 40th birthday as if it were yesterday and if you had asked me then, where I would see myself in ten years time, I wouldn't have dreamt in a million years that I would be where I am today. Everyone makes plans in life, but sometimes unexpected events happen, and we end up taking a very different path.

Life is not simple, and the road on which we travel can be a rough unpredictable ride especially when suffering Parkinson's or any other chronic disease. This is obviously not the road I would have chosen, but now that I'm here, it feels like this is what I was supposed to be doing all along. I will continue writing and campaigning for Gaucher and Parkinson's as long as I am able, and hope and pray that a cure is found soon. Now that would be the greatest birthday gift of all!