J-Lo Admits Pregnancy Weight Was Hard To Shift

J-Lo Admits Pregnancy Weight Was Hard To Shift

How to lose the baby weight post-pregnancy is a dilemma lots of mums face, and it's certainly not helped by the celebrity packed pages of gossip magazines showing yet another set of new starlet mums with washboard stomachs re-established virtually before the placenta has been delivered.

So it could come as a relief to many to hear that not all celebrities can magic away those extra pounds (and nor should they be doing so, by the way).

J-Lo, she of the enviable curvaceous booty, has admitted that she found it very tricky to shift the weight after giving birth to twins Emme and Max last year.

I remember the newspaper photos of J-Lo pregnant, and I also remember the pretty horrid headlines that went with them, along the lines of spot the difference between J-Lo and a beached whale. She was very definitely large, but geez, she was carrying twins, give the girl a break!

Speaking on Entertainment Tonight this week, J-Lo, 39, shared the pain: "I thought it was gonna drop off easily because I had been in shape my whole life, but it wasn't."

Apparently, the first lot of weight came off easily, but the last lot was much more difficult to shift: "I gained about 50 pounds with my twins, and the first 30 dropped off like that, and I was like, 'Ha, this is gonna be so easy.' That last 20 - that took a while."

Just one week before J'Lo's weight chat, the US Institute of Medicine (IOM) released new guidelines about how much weight women should put on during pregnancy.

This latest advice from the IOM sets out that women should keep weight gain within limits based on their body mass index (BMI) before pregnancy.

The IOM's weight gain guidelines for a woman carrying one child state: If she's underweight, she should gain 28-40 pounds. If she's at a normal weight, she should gain 25-35 pounds. If she's overweight, she should gain 15-25 pounds. And if she's obese, she should gain 11-20 pounds.