Jeff Brazier: We Talk About Her A Lot But I Can't Take The Pain Away When My Boys Miss Jade

Jeff Brazier: We Talk About Her A Lot But I Can't Take The Pain Away When My Boys Miss Jade


TV presenter and Dancing On Ice star Jeff Brazier, 32, is dad to Bobby, seven and Freddie, six, his children with Jade Goody. Here, the proud dad talks to Parentdish about life with two on-the-go boys, juggling work and the school run, and why he'll never stop talking to them about their mum...

How's life with two fast-growing boys?

Busy! The boys are into everything, and are constantly on the go. I keep fit just by running around with them. We cycle to school every day which is great for us all, and at the weekends we're always out and about on our bikes, which they love.

They're quite close in age, do they get on?

Most of the time yes, but if you'd have asked me that at 7.30 this morning it would have been a different story as they were at each other's throats, like brothers can be now and again.

Are they through the tantrum stage now?

They're generally really well behaved but do have their moments. You'd think Bobby had the moans of the world on his shoulders some of the time, but Freddie is a different story - I think everyone should have a bit of Freddie in them as he's such a calm boy. If he has a moment or bit of a tantrum it's over in a matter of seconds and he's back to being his happy self.

What's your favourite thing to do with the boys?

Play, and spend fun time together. That's why I'm supporting the British Toy and Hobby Association and Play England's Make Time to Play campaign as it encourages parents to play with their children, and see the benefits. A favourite in our house is when we get all the pillows and cushions on the floor in the lounge and then we all dive in it - I love it as much as them!

What's the most difficult part of being a dad?

Without a doubt when the boys are upset about their mum. It's awful as I can't take the pain away. I make sure Jade is a big presence in our house, and I'm always very honest and open about talking about her as it's the best way for them to deal with it.

The two year anniversary of Jade's death has just passed, how did you and the boys mark it?

The boys and I went up to the top of a big hill near us with about 70 friends and family and released 100 balloons with Jade on them up into the sky. It was really beautiful.

What did the boys think of Dancing On Ice?

They loved it, and came to see me perform a couple of times. It was tricky though as I didn't want them filmed which was obviously difficult if they were in the audience, so they watched most shows at home, or on record the next day and were always cheering me on. They came skating with me a bit too, and they

were both great, and didn't fall over at all which was a lot better then me when I was a kid!

Are the boys aware you're famous?

Yes, as they've grown up with both their mum and dad in the public eye, but they cope very well. If the paps see us, I just gesture to them that the boys are with me and they leave well alone which I'm extremely grateful for.

What's a typical day like in your household?

I try and pack all my work into their school hours so I'm available to take them to school, pick them up and be with them in the evening. I pick them up, then it's back home for homework time while they're still alert, then an hour of play which we always manage to fit in!

How do the boys get on with your partner, Claire?

Amazingly well, and I don't think there's anyone more suited to them than her. It's not like you interview someone you're with about kids, but if she wasn't someone I knew they would like or someone I didn't want in their lives, she wouldn't be there.

Jeff Brazier is launching the British Toy and Hobby Association and Play England's Make Time to Play campaign, promoting the benefits of play. For more information and tips on play visit