Joint Pain Warning For Computer Mad Kids

Joint Pain Warning For Computer Mad Kids


Gadget mad youngsters are enduring arthritis-like pains in their hands and wrists due to the amount of time they spend using games consoles, mobile phones and computers.

Experts have warned that children's use of PlayStations and Xboxes and the hours they spend pressing buttons on iPhones and BlackBerrys are giving them aches and pains usually only found in OAPs with chronic rheumatism.

The symptoms occur as kids use the same movements over and over to play with their gadgets - sometimes up to seven hours a day.

Experts are now calling for warning signs to be displayed on gaming boxes.

Delegates at a conference of arthritis and rheumatism experts in London heard that studies in Britain and the US found that repetitive hand and finger motions were causing a huge rise in aches and pains amongst kids.

Consultants also revealed that almost 90 per cent of British children aged around eight own at least one games console.

Conference-goers were also told of a US study which found that youngsters who used their consoles and phones for long periods of time suffered intense joint pain, whilst a another study showed that children who frequently texted suffered from chronic wrist and finger pains.

It's not surprising really, is it?

Do you worry about joint damage or RSI in your games-mad kids?

Do you limit their console time, or ban games and mobiles altogether?