Kelly Brook Gets Her Fancy Dress On At Gangster Themed Party

Kelly Brook Gets Her Fancy Dress On At Gangster Themed Party

Kelly Brook turned all gangster on us as she headed out into London for a fun fancy dress party - and of course her new beau was by her side every step of the way.

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The model partied at the Steam and Rye restaurant in London for photographer Ellen Von Unwerth's 60th birthday celebrations, and the lovely Kelly definitely got into the spirit of things.

She carried around an inflatable gun and wore a pair of black shorts, braces, a burgundy top and a black fedora hat.

Her man, ex-Gladiator star David McIntosh flashed his biceps in a pinstripe waistcoat. Well why not, hey?!

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The couple have been pretty inseparable recently, and as we reported last week, rumour has it that the serving Royal Marines commando has moved into her pad. Exciting times!!

The party looked pretty amazing to us - check out all the pics (and spot the shark!)