All Women Can Relate To These 14 Beautiful Cartoons That Perfectly Depict Adulthood

The struggle is real.

Growing up isn’t easy and it never seems to stop. From lessons about dating to how your own whirlpool of anxiety, Mari Andrews perfectly sums up our pain, with these superb cartoons that give us all the feels.

Andrews is a writer and illustrator living in Washington, D.C and is currently writing an illustrated book of essays alongside her daily Instagram drawing.


1. Dating 

2. Success 

3. iPhones

4. Dealing With Ex-Boyfriends/Girlfriends

5. Eating Out 

6. Social Media 

7. Decorating Your Home 

8. Being Busy

9. Priorities 

10. Your Partner’s Ex 

11. Insecurities 

12. Tinder Boyfriends 

13. Avocados 

14. Other Women