Maths Teacher Was So Incompetent Top Set Class All Failed, Says Headteacher

Maths Teacher Was So Incompetent Top Set Class All Failed, Says Headteacher

A General Teaching Council hearing has been told that a teacher was so incompetent that her entire top level maths class failed a test.

Janet Garner from Clackmannanshire faces being struck off the teaching register after the hearing was told how she struggled to control pupils and was unable to answer the maths problems she herself had set.

Witnesses told the court that Garner's classes were 'like a battleground' and that she had been observed telling children their answers to questions were wrong, when in fact the errors were hers.

Garner's hearing comes nine years after serious complaints emerged about her, and six years after she was sacked from her last position.

The Herald reports that Mrs Garner was previously struck off in 2011 and told she 'simply could not teach' but the ruling was overturned after a court found the GTCS had not properly proved the allegations.

The case was re-heard in Edinburgh this week, with Mrs Garner representing herself and denying all the charges put to her.

Joyce Cullen for the Teaching Council said that test results in February 2004 for the teacher's class at Alva Academy were so poor the 'whole class of credit level pupils failed overall'.

She told the hearing that the school's deputy head had seen Mrs Garner make a basic maths error in a lesson, and on another occasion told pupils their answers were wrong when they were correct.

She is also said to have asked one child: "Are you completely useless?"

The Alva Academy's deputy heard Stuart Rycroft said he had never before had a teacher who had received so many complaints.

The hearing continues.