Meet The Under 30s Injecting Life Back Into Local Businesses

Meet The Under 30s Injecting Life Back Into Local Businesses

Thanks to Mary Portas and her eye-rolling exasperation on BBC Two, the fact that Britain's local businesses are struggling is hardly a secret.

Initiatives such as Portas' Mary Queen of Shops series, and campaigns like local business week, which takes place 18 to 24 May, are all contributing to the effort to save Britain's high streets.

But what about the faces behind the shopfronts?

The Huffington Post UK spoke to entrepreneurs under 30 who have all decided to set up shop in what can only be described as a rocky economic landscape. Defying the statistics that half of small businesses fail in the first five years, these young people are flying in the face of adversity - with a smile.

Robin Ejsmond-Frey, Love Die Late

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Robin opened up the Love Die Late cafe-bar in Fitzrovia on his 29th birthday. Despite studying Theology and a post-grad in Cognitive & Evolutionary Anthropology at Oxford, he says he has "put neither of these into use".

What prompted you to set up your own business?

I've wanted to since I was very young - I remember thinking about it when I was 10 years old and it was always at the back of my mind growing up. Even then, it took years for me to take the leap, though much of this was down to not knowing what I wanted to do.

It finally clicked about three years ago when talking to my brother and sister about the future and realising that what I'm doing now would play to a number of my strengths. That and forever wanting to do things my own way prompted me to leave my last job, in recruitment, and strike out on my own.

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Is it tough?

It's by far and away the hardest thing I've ever done. It feels very surreal to be up and running, but there's no time to enjoy it at the moment - now I actually have to make it work! For the moment it's 24/7 and very stressful; things are coming together though and every day sees small improvements, which is incredibly gratifying.

Do you get any support from local businesses?

We've had a lot of positive feedback locally and a great deal of support from our neighbours - a print shop and a restaurant - who have always been on hand to help us get things done quickly or help us out of a tight spot. On our opening night our ice machine broke and we ran out of till roll - Picture restaurant, two doors down, didn't hesitate to supply us with both.

Likewise, the printers next door, IPW1, have printed our menus and window decals and outdoor signage and all manner of crucial marketing supplies at the drop of a hat and for reduced prices. They've even taken payment in kind with a running bar tab! In terms of what we give back, we offer a discount to all local businesses and residents; this is valid day and night, any day of the week, for anything we sell. We also like to invite local businesses round for drinks events and make sure they're well looked after on my manager's tab.

What's the best thing about running a local business?

Showing people a good time and being silly with my staff. We're here to make people smile and to have fun ourselves. If we can spread a little love in the community by taking a coffee to the man who sells big issue down the road, or sending some thirsty hairdressers samples of our new cocktail menu, you bet your ass we'll do it.


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What's your business in a nutshell?

TOKEN INTERIOR, is an independent art and craft shop in Fulham, where people can buy art and craft and learn how to do their own. There's also music classes and a soap studio.

What prompted you to set up your own business?

"I have always wanted to create an space for artists, designers and people who enjoy art and music, to give them chance to show their works, create works and crash some great ideas together, so for the last two years I started researching how to run my own business.

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Is it tough running a local business?

Running a business always tough, I started alone, so I've had to do everything myself. Painting the wall, installing furniture, administrations, making the website and designing every single detail. At the end of the day, the reward is high, it’s wonderful to see people enjoying it, people walking past and saying 'wow, what a cool shop'. Some people came in and told me, 'the gift I got from Token was the best gift ever'.

Oliver Barton, Oliver's Kitchen

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Oliver left sixth form in 2008, deciding against going to university as "there weren't any courses which interested me". It took the 24-year-old two years to find a job after the economic crash, and after working for three years, he realised he wanted to start his own business.

What attracted you to the food industry?

Baking has been a big part of my life, I grew up watching my dad bake and I even did some at school so it made sense to start a business doing something that I loved. The biggest motivation for me to start my own business was the attraction of being my own boss. I was also very fed up with a string of call centre jobs that I had done in the months prior to my start-up, I’m the type of person that can’t really sit still with a career and starting my own business seemed like the best way to achieve the vision that I have for my life.

How does it feel to run your own business?

It's great.

It is very tough but if you can make it past the first 12 months then you have a fighting chance of staying in business. The independence that you get from running your own business is probably the best thing, you can decide your working day and all of your break times and days off.

How keen are you to 'keep things local'?

We’re an artisan baker specialising in Sticky Toffee Puddings, which we sell through local farmers markets and food festivals. We also supply small local shops with our produce. We try to spread the word as much as we can through social media about these businesses as its good to have small retailers in towns in order to give people a better alternative to supermarkets. All of our ingredients such as eggs, butter, cream and milk is all bought from local suppliers too.

What's the best thing about running a local business?

The best thing about running a local business is staying in touch with the rest of the community. It's nice to see your regulars at the market and have a chat with them, it's so rewarding to know that you make something that everyone loves. I mean who doesn’t love sticky toffee pudding!

9 Entrepreneurs Share Their "A-ha!" Moments
A-Ha Moment: What If We Made It Possible To Drink Local?(01 of09)
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Laurisa Milici, Founder of Radiant PigA craft beer company We were at Spitzer's Corner on the Lower East Side having an awesome meal of small plates along with some delicious craft beers. While there was a good selection of beers available, we realized there were very few local New York options on tap. For a couple of beer lovers, (one being a homebrewer) we asked ourselves, 'Why not us? Why couldn't we be that local option?'We left that night thinking how lucky we were to be in NYC and how we much we wanted to be part of this world. That's why PIG stands for 'people in gastropubs' -- because we want to make inspired brews that invoke that same sense of excitement and gratitude for other craft beer enthusiasts.
A-Ha Moment: What If Making Friends Were a Science?(02 of09)
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Josh Jacobson, CEO of It’s PlatonicA service for meeting and making friendsI'd had the business idea for ItsPlatonic, which is the world's No. 1 site exclusively dedicated to making new friends, for over a year before I decided to dedicate myself to it full-time. There was a significant 'a-ha' moment that helped me make the leap, and that was largely responsible for my cofounder joining and our investors putting in money: Friendship revolves around activities.By helping users plan their time together on our site, there's always a context, such as playing tennis or trying a new coffee shop, that both people are interested in and helps fuel the conversation. This 'a-ha' moment has been largely responsible for our success so far; our users love that they can meet people for specific activities and that ItsPlatonic meetings are never awkward, while our investors love that we're a 100 percent unique offering in the friendship market.
A-Ha Moment: What If I Simplified My Ambitions?(03 of09)
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Jack Sutter, Founder of TGT WalletsCompact leather wallets My big moment of realization came ironically from one of my biggest disappointments. I spent a couple years working on this web app idea -- a really complicated and expensive visualization tool that was like a mind/space video game of your life. It was very cool, but so ambitious, and when I finally ran out of money and had to let it go, I felt like everything was impossible. Then I had this very simple idea for a new kind of wallet to make pants fit better. It was the complete opposite of my web tool: it was tangible, I was able to make it myself, and I felt everyone in the world would understand it and want to own it. I made my first one and sold it the same day, and that simple exchange -- taking a physical product and watching it turn into cash that I could take to the corner to buy a sandwich changed my life. I think it was my 'a-ha moment.'
A-Ha Moment: What If I Applied My Job To My Personal LIfe?(04 of09)
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James Ambler, Founder and Creative Director of Paparazzi ProposalsProposal photography serviceAt the time that I proposed to my now-wife, I was working as a paparazzi photographer. In the days that followed the proposal, several friends who know the industry I worked in asked if I'd had it photographed. I'd never thought until then about photographing proposals because I didn't think you could preserve the intimacy and raw emotion that makes them so special.However, at that time it suddenly occurred to me that I could do just that by turning my paparazzi skills to proposals instead of celebrities. I now have a thriving business where we help clients to plan their perfect proposal and then we capture it all in a way that allows the moment to unfold naturally and for the client to be able to surprise their partner with the pictures afterwards.
A-Ha Moment: What If I Let Go of Everything I Worked Towards?(05 of09)
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Tyler Walton, Co-Founder of YogurtreeAlternative yogurt shopOne of the best feelings I have ever experienced was the moment I came up with my first business. I was going into my senior year at Lehigh University as a finance major and realized Wall Street was not what I wanted to do. After being a top student my whole life, I was deflated and lost. I didn't want what I had worked my whole life for.Fortunately, on a family trip to Florida in the summer of 2011 I had my first self-serve frozen yogurt experience. When we returned my mom mentioned that if we didn't start a frozen yogurt store in our area someone else would. I'll never forget the first night I researched the industry online and started creating the concept for Yogurtree. For the first time in eight months ... I had a purpose.
A-Ha Moment: What If There Were A Better Way To Shop Online?(06 of09)
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Alex Adelman, CEO and Co-Founder of Cosmic CartA universal “shopping cart” that makes shopping online easier I was Christmas shopping online, buying gifts for my family and friends, and ended up checking out on eight different websites. In addition to it being a huge hassle (#firstworldproblems), going from site to site to find the right product at the right price, it also ended up compromising my credit card information. It was an all-around terrible experience. I decided that there was a better way to shop online.
A-Ha Moment: What If I Didn't Have To Work For Someone Else?(07 of09)
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Danielle MehtaCEO and Creative DirectorFor me, the a-ha moments always seem to happen at the last second: when you think the doors are closing, when options dwindle, and hope is all but lost. Something happens where your perspective is forced to shift, and a piece of the puzzle you've been (unconsciously) ignoring comes into play.The No. 1 a-ha moment for me was accepting the fact that I would never be happy working for someone else. For years I felt awful because I had jumped from job to job, industry to industry, not ever truly feeling like I'd found my path.Sounds corny, but I finally realized that I was meant to learn something from those fateful jobs. It wasn't that I was supposed to be unhappy, it was that if I wanted happiness, I needed to go out and make it for myself. And thus, my entrepreneurial side was born.
A-Ha Moment: What If We Realized We Could Do It Better -- And Faster? (08 of09)
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Phil Dumontet, Founder & CEO of DashedFood delivery service My a-ha moment occurred during a conversation with my brother over dinner shortly after I graduated from Boston College. A large delivery service had recently gone out of business, creating a tremendous opportunity in the market. Restaurants were looking for the sales, drivers wanted to work, and customers craved the convenience of delivery. I knew we could do it better. The excitement of the challenge motivated me. The largest complaint against the defunct delivery company was slow delivery times, so I oriented my entire company around speed, calling it DASHED and making the deliveries on my Trek mountain bike. When I started, I did all our deliveries in an average of 45 minutes, an average that remains to this day, five years later.
A-Ha Moment: What If Parties Were Eco-Friendly? (09 of09)
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Emily Doubilet, Co-Founder of Susty PartySustainable partyware companyI've always had a passion for nature and entertaining. I'm an environmentalist who also loves a good party. I grew up marching to the beat of my own drum, and I always wanted to be a leader, create something and make a positive impact on the world. I started putting together performance art, interactive parties and entertainment that celebrated nature. I wanted sustainability to be a celebration.However, as I performed these shows and threw these parties, I noticed how much waste was created. It was extremely difficult to find party tableware that was good for both the planet and people by being fairly, sustainably and responsibly made. In order to avoid plastic party cups, all of the eco-friendly compostable options were either plain brown or white. I couldn't find stylish, colorful, high-quality party tableware that was environmentally and socially responsible. I knew I needed to create my own collection and simultaneously create jobs for communities in need. After meeting Jessica Holsey (president and co-founder) at a party, we put our heads together, and Susty Party was born! Together, we are committed to working with non-profit factories who employ the blind and visually impaired, and bringing fun into the world so that party hosts can both, as is our motto, 'respect Earth & party on!'