Mel B Baby News: I'm Really Happy For Her, Says Estranged Sister

Mel B Baby News: I'm Really Happy For Her, Says Estranged Sister

Just days after Mel B announced she was expecting her third baby, Parentdish caught up with her sister, Danielle, 30, at Aldo Zilli's organic baby food launch.

Despite the sisters being estranged - they reportedly haven't spoken in two years - Danielle told us she was 'really happy' for Mel and husband Stephen Belafonte.

As we chatted at Aldo Zilli's Fish restaurant on London's Brewer Street, Danielle - mum to Mimi three, and Hendrix, seven months - 'fessed up that feeding times could be something of a challenge:

'Maybe it's my cooking,' she laughed, 'But baby Hendrix has been really fussy about everything I've given him so far - he's refused all my home-made stuff!'

Little Hendrix seem totally enamoured with Aldo's organic baby range though, which was in plentiful supply at the party.

'He loves it,' Danielle enthused, 'He really liked the pasta dishes, so I'll be sticking with it - I told Aldo to send me loads!'

Given her sister's expanding brood, we asked Danielle if she would be adding to her clan any time soon.

'Noooo!' she smiled, 'I like my sleep too much! Plus I've just opened a coffee shop in Fulham - it's all about the coffee and cake!'

We like the sound of that and pressed her for more details - isn't Fulham a bit posh and swanky and full of yummy mummies?

'The Shed [her coffee shop] is not like that!', Danielle insisted, 'It's a place for everyone to relax in and enjoy a drink and a snack, but I particularly wanted a place where you could take the children and not have other customers expecting them to be totally quiet. It's still finding it's feet at the moment, but my vision is for it to be a place where mums can enjoy a break and the kids can be occupied - I've got a room out the back where they can do soft play and activities. There's something for everyone!'

Other celebs spotted at Aldo's launch were a very heavily-pregnant Lucy Benjamin, Kate Garraway, and WAG Lizzie Cundy. New-mum Denise Van Outen has previously raved about the range, claiming little Betsy is a fan, too!

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