Mum's Funny Comics Capture The Unexpected Struggles Of Parenthood

Ah, the highs and lows of the toddler and baby years.

A series of funny and relatable comics about parenthood is resonating with exhausted mums and dads. 

When Michelle Lin became a mother, she was overwhelmed to learn how much the reality of parenting diverged from her assumptions and expectations.

“No one had warned me about how difficult breastfeeding could be, neither my friends nor the breastfeeding books I read while I was pregnant,” she told HuffPost.

“Something else I did not expect was how much babies ― at least mine ― move around when you’re changing their diapers! We had practiced changing diapers on dolls in our parenting class, and definitely weren’t prepared for wriggly newborns or, later on, babies who would stand up mid-diaper change and try to walk around on the dresser!”

Experiences like these inspired Lin to create Milk Rice Comics, a series of fun illustrations about the ups and downs of parenthood. She posts the art on Instagram and her website

“I knew we couldn’t be the only ones who had the same or similar experiences and wanted to share them so that other struggling parents could relate and have a little laugh or two at the same time!” she said. 

Lin lives in Kansas City, US, with her husband, 3-year-old son and 1-month old daughter. She said the response to her comics has been very positive. 

“Every time I post a new comic, a lot of people comment with similar stories, or with supportive words,” the artist noted. “I really love the community that has grown around the comics.”

Lin is very pleased that her art is resonating with fellow parents. 

“I really hope that people can see some of themselves and their parenting experiences in my comics,” she said. “To those parents struggling with breastfeeding, potty training, stubborn toddlers and other issues, I hope that the comics provide them some sort of relief in allowing them to laugh about our shared struggles and in knowing that they are not alone in this!”

Keep scrolling and visit Milk Rice Comics on Instagram to see more of Lin’s too-real parenting comics. 

Milk Rice Comics/Michelle Lin
Milk Rice Comics/Michelle Lin
Milk Rice Comics/Michelle Lin
Milk Rice Comics/Michelle Lin
Milk Rice Comics/Michelle Lin
Milk Rice Comics/Michelle Lin
Milk Rice Comics/Michelle Lin
Milk Rice Comics/Michelle Lin
Milk Rice Comics/Michelle Lin
Milk Rice Comics/Michelle Lin
Milk Rice Comics/Michelle Lin
Milk Rice Comics/Michelle Lin
Milk Rice Comics/Michelle Lin
Milk Rice Comics/Michelle Lin
Milk Rice Comics/Michelle Lin
Milk Rice Comics/Michelle Lin
Milk Rice Comics/Michelle Lin
Milk Rice Comics/Michelle Lin
Milk Rice Comics/Michelle Lin
Milk Rice Comics/Michelle Lin