My Son Cries When I Leave Him At Nursery

My Son Cries When I Leave Him At Nursery

My two-year-old son started nursery a few months ago, initially very happily. But now he screams every morning and has to be prised away from me. Once I'm gone, apparently he settles quickly. What can I do to make the hand-over less stressful for him and for me?

'Your child is well attached to you which is a good thing; in the long term he will be more able to cope with the outside world.

Try not to worry. Anxiety about being left by parents can be expected at this stage in his development.

He could be picking up on your anxiety about leaving him

Reassure him that you are coming back and talk about things you will be doing together when you collect him, little things like having lunch together or going to the park. Give him something to look after for you whilst he is there.

It sounds like he is happy at nursery, which is the main thing.

If the nursery is OK with this, you could give them a call to check he is settled. This will help you to feel less stressed while you are apart.

Spend as much time as possible talking about the good time he is having a nursery, the adults and the children, so that he becomes familiar with names. and what he did that day so he becomes familiar with the routine.

Get a story book from the library about nursery and talk about the differences and similarities to his own nursery.

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